PUSD Superintendent Warns of ‘Unimaginable Cuts’ Post COVID-19
In advance of the release of the governor’s revised budget, last weekGovernor Gavin Newsom and the California Department of Finance released amemo aboutthe impact that the COVID-19 pandemic is having on the Californiaeconomy.
This prompted Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) chief, BrianMcDonald to issue the following dire warning for the district:
“The news isdevastating. Public schools are projected to lose more than $18 billion inProposition 98 state funding. That means that PUSD could lose more than $35million in state funding for the 2020-21 fiscal year alone, which is equivalentto a -22% cost of living adjustment (COLA). This will require the districtto enact unimaginable cuts unless mitigation steps are implemented or changesare made quickly to the way that California public schools are funded
“Publicschools receive approximately 40 percent of the state’s General Fund revenuethrough the Proposition 98 formula. In Gov. Newsom’s January budget proposal,schools were expected to receive $84 billion through Proposition 98. The newfiscal outlook projects Proposition 98 funding will drop by $18.3 billion sincethe Governor’s January budget proposal.
“At the sametime, costs are expected to rise drastically as we implement social distancingin the classrooms and throughout the school day, provide alternatives toin-person learning, sanitize schools and offices, and provide personalprotective equipment in the 2020-2021 school year. The required additionalexpenditures combined with reductions in State funding, based on theProposition 98 formula, would require devastating reductions to the PUSDoperating budget.
“Schools arecrucial to reopening the economy; we are urging Governor Newsom and theCalifornia State Legislature to provide for some relief from the state’s rainyday fund, and to advocate for additional federal stimulus funding directly toschools.
“Budgets area reflection of values, and we are asking the state and federal governments toshow their commitment to students and the future of this country.
“PUSD joinedwith neighboring school districts to advocate for actions by the Governor thatcould mitigate the need for such drastic cuts. These include the freezingof PERS/STRS increases at the current year level and relief from strictadherence to the 3% reserve for economic uncertainty in each year of therolling three-year budget cycle.”