Hillside Wilderness Preserve Reopens
The City of Monrovia is preparing plans to open trailsystems in the coming days but in the meantime the Hillside Wilderness Preservewill open on Friday, May 8. Though the City has suspended most parkingenforcement, it is conducting parking enforcement for public health and safetyreasons. The City will be enforcing parking restrictions near the preserveentrances.
Canyon Park will remain closed this weekend as the Cityprepares for weekday openings.
Shorter trail systems exist at urban parks in the city includingRecreation Park, Library Park and Lucinda Garcia Park. The City encouragestrail users at these locations to travel clockwise to enhance the management ofsocial distancing.
More adventurist hikers are encourage to try the MonroviaLoop (Huntington Drive to Fifth Street to Foothill Boulevard to Mountain Avenue)for a round trip of 5.5 miles.