Arcadia City Council Elects New Mayor & Pro Tem in Contentious Meeting
Tuesday’s Arcadia City Council meeting began by declaring the results of the general municipal election and swearing in newly elected council members but the meeting became tense and contentious when the time came to elect a new mayor and mayor pro tem.
First, outgoing Mayor April Verlato summarized her time as mayor. “Obviously, it ended a little differently than I thought it would.” Unfortunately, the mayor’s time in office came to an end amid a global pandemic. For this reason, Verlato opted to recognize some of the generous community donors that have stepped forward over the last six weeks to provide masks, gowns, hand sanitizer, gloves, cash, and meals to Methodist and first responders — including her high school intern who put together a group of donors.
OutgoingCouncilmember Peter Amundson, who lost his District 4 re-election bid to PaulCheng, commended Verlato for doing “a great job in the midst of this pandemic.”
Amundsonthen proceeded to summarize his time in office: “It’s been quite an honor to bea servant to the people of my hometown.” Amundson continued, “It’s what you cangive that really matters.”
CityManager Dominic Lazzaretto commented that under normal circumstancesrepresentatives from local elected officials, like Representative Judy Chu’soffice, would be in attendance to present Verlato and Amundson with plaques andcelebrate their time in office. Lazzaretto indicated that such a celebrationwould be scheduled for a later date when it is safe to do so.
TheOath of Office was then administered to City Clerk Gene Glasco, newly electedCouncilmember Cheng, and re-elected Councilmember Verlato.
Duringhis remarks, Cheng said: “Peter Amundson is such a motivation to the city. Iwanted to thank him for just being a colleague throughout the entire process.” Healso expressed a desire to be mentored by the former councilmember. Cheng endedhis remarks by sharing the traits he admires in each of his colleagues.
Glascothen proceeded to call for nominations for mayor, at which point the meetingturned somewhat contentious.
Beforeall nominations could be introduced, Councilmember Beck proposed a motion to shortenthe term of mayor to ten months instead of the usual 12. Under Beck’s proposal,the next mayor, presumptively Mayor Pro Tem Roger Chandler, would serve untilMarch 16, 2021 (315 days), Beck would then assume the mayorship and serve untilJan. 18, 2022 (308 days), Tay would serve as mayor after Beck and be in officeuntil Dec. 6, 2022 (322 days). Beck argued that this “would take politics outof it and hurt feelings, etcetera.”
Aftersome confusion and conferring with the city attorney, it was found that councilcould only amend the timetable to select the mayor for the next term, not thenext three years. Once Beck amended his motion, Mayor Verlato asked Chandlerfor comment. A disgruntled Chandler flatly said he did not like the idea, didnot want to change and found the whole idea “ridiculous.”
MayorVerlato seconded Beck’s motion so it could be taken to vote but Chandlerintroduced a substitute motion to keep the mayor’s term at one year. The motionwas seconded by Tay which allowed it to take precedent over Beck’s motion.
Thesubstitute motion was then taken to a vote. In a 3-2 vote the substitute motionpassed; Beck and Verlato were the only ones to dissent.
Withthe term of mayor established at one year, Verlato then asked Chandler abouthis ability to serve as mayor, as he had been nominated by Tay earlier in themeeting.
“Iknow you’ve expressed to me in the past that you don’t have the physicalability to serve as mayor,” Verlato began. She then explained that during hertime as mayor, she had appointed Chandler as the liaison to the PlanningCommission and the Museum Commission. However, according the Verlato, Chandler“didn’t appear at a single one.”
Chandlerinterrupted the Mayor Verlato mid-question by saying “knock off all thatnonsense.”
Verlatopersisted and asked Chandler about his “intent is to serve as mayor in that [he’s]not physically able to make it to all these things.”
Avexed Chandler defended his nomination: “I’ve been the mayor before … I’m doingfine I’m not on a crawler.”
Forher part, Verlato continued to press Chandler on the issue. He eventuallyretorted, “So what’s your point? That’s got nothing to do with anything. Thisis nothing but chicanery … cooked up by two of you.” Chandler also accusedVerlato of “master manipulation.”
Unfazed,Verlato once again asked Chandler if he committed to appear at all events andmeetings. Chandler refused to make any commitment to Verlato and said hiscommitment is to the community.
Afterthe contentious row, Verlato dropped the issued and called for a vote. Beck,the first member called abstained. Chandler, Cheng and Tay predictably voted“yes” in favor of Chandler. Verlato voted “a very hurt yes.” With four yesvotes and one abstention, Chandler will serve as Arcadia mayor through April2021.
Chandlerthen nominated Tay for the position of mayor pro tem and Verlato nominatedBeck. Cheng, Tay and Chandler voted for Tay while Beck and Verlato voted forBeck. In her vote, Verlato reminded everyone that Beck was next in line to bemayor pro tem “by the order that was already established.” With a 3-2 vote, Taywill serve as mayor pro tem through April 2021.
Inhis remarks as newly-elected mayor, Chandler said he appreciates theappointment and wants “When the going gets tough, the tough get going” to beArcadia’s collective motto during these difficult times.
Forhis part, Tay said he will be there if Chandler is unable to attend an event ormeeting and wants to make sure “everybody comes together.”
AfterTay finished Chandler opened the floor up for Cheng to make additionalcomments. When Cheng finished, Chandler proceeded to ask for public comments,prompting Lazaretto to step in and ask Verlato and Beck if they had anything tosay.
Verlatoresponded, “I think our mayor’s made it clear how unified this council is byskipping over Councilmember Beck and myself during the comment period.” Verlatoironically concluded: “So thank you. Thank you for showing some realleadership. I’ve got the message.”
Beckalso took up the city manager’s offer and explained why he abstained fromvoting for Chandler. Directing his comments to the mayor, Beck explained, “Yes,it’s your turn to be mayor; so that’s why I didn’t vote no. But I abstainedbecause a ‘yes’ vote would mean that I acquiesce in some of the things that aregoing on before tonight and tonight.”
Accordingto Beck, he attempted to speak with Chandler over the phone about successionbut Beck’s calls and voicemails were never returned. Beck concluded that this“political power play tonight” will harm the chemistry held within the councilbefore the meeting.
Beckalso explained that he didn’t vote in favor of Councilmember Tay becoming themayor pro tem because Tay was mayor a year ago and he was not next in line toserve as mayor pro tem.