Pasadena Fire Department Kicks Off Brush Inspections
The Pasadena Fire Department anticipates another hot, dry summer.With average to above-average rainfall over the last few months, hazardousvegetation will be well grown by mid-summer. Therefore, it’s vital thedepartment continue to conduct hazardous vegetation inspections.
In keeping in line with the city’s COVID-19 health order, firepersonnel will wear face masks and practice social distancing when encounteringhomeowners. Fire personnel will work with homeowners to gain compliance duringinspection to clear vegetation, but homeowners should recognize that brushclearance is essential to prevent brushfires, protect property, and save lives.
“We recognize that the risk of brushfires is extremely high in oururban interface. That risk must be mitigated for the safety of our residentsand our fire suppression crews. Because we conduct fire inspections outdoors,we’re able to adequately socially distance ourselves from residents,” statesInterim Fire Chief Bryan Frieders.
April typically marks the start of the fire department’s VegetationManagement Inspection Program. In advance of annual brush inspections,notification letters were mailed in early March to property owners in Very HighFire Hazard Severity Zones (VHFHSZ) to give them ample time to abate hazardousbrush. The goal is to inspect all properties involved and receive theircompliance by June 30, 2020.
For additional information on Pasadena Fire Department’sVegetation Management Inspection Program, contact (626) 744-7177.