Kiwanians Create Musical Video for Monrovia Days
Last Thursday scores of Monrovia Kiwanians took to a local park to video tape a birthday message for the upcoming virtual Monrovia Days project sponsored by the city and chamber of commerce.
Donning masks of every size shape and color — the ever-present bearincluded —participants prepared for a truly unique moment in Monrovia historyto celebrate the city’s 134th birthday.
Many of the Kiwanians hadn’t seen one another for over two months dueto the stay-at-home mandate and were stunned and delighted when they noticed one long-timemember, Hal Leavens, had grown a ratherdistinguish white beard. After the applause and laughter died down to a dullroar, Leavens joined his colleagues for the main event.
At noon, these talented thespians donned their royal blue Kiwanisshirts, posed for a group picture with the bear statue at the entrance toKiwanis Park and then proceed to pick up musical instrument props to do a videowhile signing happy birthday as they descended the colorful stairs to the park.
Chris Shevlin struck a mean cord with his ukulele as Dianne Balsamo worea “Happy Birthday” tiara and others just sang or clapped as the history wasbeing recoded on a member’s iPhone.
Monrovia Days is one of the town’s favorite ways to get together andcelebrate Monrovia, along with recognizing the scholars and champions who haveworked so hard all year. Given the growing concerns around COVID-19, thedifficult decision was made to change how the Monrovia Days celebration wouldlook this year.
In place of the usual parade, carnival and entertainment, a uniqueexperience has been planned for the community to virtually join with friendsand neighbors to wish Monrovia a happy birthday right from the comfort andsafety of their home. To celebrate Monrovia’s 134th birthday, acommemorative video will be created featuring birthday wishes from thecommunity that will be aired during a special Facebook Watch Party on May16.