
Applications Now Being Accepted for Monrovia Boards & Commissions

Interested individuals can apply for the Library Board or any of the other boards and commissions with openings. – Courtesy photo / Facebook, @MonroviaLibrary

All applications are due to the City Clerk’s Office no later than 5:30 p.m. on Friday, May 1, 2020.

Applications can be found online for: 

At this time, the City Clerk’s Office is accepting applications via email at cityclerk@ci.monrovia.ca.us to practice social distancing guidelines.

A complete list of expiring appointed terms for 2020, names of incumbents, and the dates of their appointment can be found on the city’s website.

Board members and commissioners are appointed by the mayor, with the approval of the City Council. Members are volunteers who serve a three-year term — two-year terms are for the Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board (MOTAB) — beginning July 1 and must reapply after each term.

To be notified each time applications are being accepted, email the City Clerk’s Office and you will be added to a distribution list. For information on the status of your application or questions related to the interview process, contact Ashton Gout, assistant to the city clerk, at (626) 932-5599.

About Boards and Commissions  

The mayor and City Council appoint board members and commissioners to act as advisors in specific areas of City business. These individuals are volunteers who do not receive compensation.

Criteria for Joining a Board or Commission 

  • Appointees may only serve on one advisory body at a time.
  • Appointees must be a resident of Monrovia.
    • An exception to this rule is for individuals serving on MOTAB. Instead, they must have a bona fide business in Old Town subject to the Business Improvement District (BID) assessment.
  • Appointees may not be a City of Monrovia employee. 
  • Individuals serving as an elected official of the City may not serve on an advisory body at the same time.

Types of Boards & Commissions

The boards and commissions meet regularly to discuss public business in public settings. To find out more about becoming a board member or commissioner, contact the City Clerk’s Office at (626) 932-5505. 

Planning Commission

The Planning Commission oversees new development in the city to ensure that it complies with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance and has the authority to approve conditional use permits, variances, parcel maps and hillside development permits. As an advisory body to the City Council, they review and make recommendations on applications for tract maps and amendments to the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances and the General Plan. The seven-member body meets on the Wednesday following the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

Historic Preservation Commission

The Historic Preservation Commission is responsible for administering the Historic Preservation and Demolition Review Ordinances. Included in their purview is the approval of exterior changes to historic landmarks and for building facades in Old Town along Myrtle Avenue. The commission also reviews all applications for historic landmark designation and Mills Act Contracts and makes a recommendation to the City Council on the request. The seven-member body meets every other month on the Wednesday following the fourth Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.

Community Services Commission

The Community Services Commission assess the social service, leisure, park and street tree needs of the community to evaluate and make recommendations to the City Council and to the Department of Community Services on how those needs are or should be met, and to oversee and provide public accountability to programs under the jurisdiction of the of the Department of Community Services. The seven-member body meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Monroe Room of the Community Center, 119 W. Palm Ave.  

Library Board

The five members of the Library Board are governed by the California State Education Code, and are responsible for enforcing all the rules, regulations, and bylaws necessary for the administration, governance and protection of the library and its property. The board meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Monroe Room of the Community Center, 119 W. Palm Ave.  

Monrovia Old Town Advisory Board (MOTAB)

The five-member board is comprised of Old Town merchants and is responsible for making recommendations to the City Council on programs and projects to advance the downtown area through marketing, promotion and overall improvement of the Business Improvement District. MOTAB meets once a month on the second Tuesday of each month at 9:30 a.m. in Council Chambers, 415 S. Ivy Ave. Members may not be a City of Monrovia employee, must have a bona fide business in the Old Town district that is subject to the Business Improvement District (BID) assessment, and must be current on their BID assessment.

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