Senator Portantino to Host Virtual Family Health Forum
On Saturday, April 11, at 11 a.m., Senator Anthony J. Portantinoand the First District PTA will be joined by four family therapists for avirtual Family Health Forum. The forum will provide strategies for familiesabiding by social distancing recommendations to better cope with the effects ofCOVID-19.
Every family faces both unique and common challenges during thisunprecedented situation necessitating a calm, strong, and effective response toallow kids to continue to thrive in their home life and education. Theevent will include Portantino, the First District PTA, local nonprofits, and marriage& family therapists answering questions and discussing how best to respondto this crisis.
To participate, call (844) 721-7241 and used access code 4471730 or join the live stream.
Participants are encouraged to submit questions to the panel prior to the forum by emailing