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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent PUSD Schools Will Not Reopen This School Year

PUSD Schools Will Not Reopen This School Year

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PUSD schools closed
Blair High School. – Courtesy photo / Facebook, @PasadenaUnifiedSchoolDistrict

Based on recommendations from state and local health and educationauthorities, the Pasadena Unified School District (PUSD) will extend remotelearning through May 28, the last day of school for students. School facilitieswill not reopen before the end of the academic year due to the coronaviruscrisis, but classes will remain in session via remote learning. The 2019-2020school year is not over; it has just transitioned from classroom instructioninto distance learning through May 28, 2020. 

According to a message sharedwith parents by PUSD Superintendent Brian McDonald, “This is not a decision theBoard of Education and I take lightly, but the safety of our students, staff,and families comes first. Public health leaders have made it clear that thepeak of this pandemic is yet to come, and physical distancing practices remainvital. Therefore, in accordance with the emergency authorization conferred uponme by the Board of Education and after consulting with each Board member, Ihave decided to keep campuses physically closed for the remainder of the schoolyear. This allows us to focus on delivering learning in a remote environment.”

PUSD had planned to make surethat distance learning and essential services continue through the end of theschool year.

Remote Learning

After spring break, PUSD will move to Stage 2 of remote learning from April 6 through April 20. In this phase, teacher-provided content intended for ongoing use will be available via PowerSchool Learning at gopusd.com/remote. The district is modifying content to make sure it’s achievable by students in the new remote environment. During this time, teachers will be connecting with students via posted video, discussion and/or assignments in their online classrooms. Students will connect with their teacher’s online classroom to view and complete assigned material.  

After April 20, PUSD will move toStage 3, when synchronous learning will occur. Students will be checking inwith their teachers routinely, participating in lessons, completing andsubmitting assignments and tasks.

Social Emotional Well-Being of Students

PUSD has set up ways for them to connect with mental health resources. 

Graduation & Promotion Ceremonies

District leaders will be planning for ways to celebrate these momentous events in different formats and/or at a later date. 

In the coming days and weeks,PUSD will provide families with information regarding how grades, graduationrequirements, graduation ceremonies, transcripts, and continued distancelearning instruction will be handled.

Student Meals

Meals are now available seven days a week for students. PUSD continues to provide nutritious “Grab and Go” meals for children 18 and younger at seven schools weekdays from 9-11 a.m. The City of Pasadena is offering lunch to students and families on weekends from 9-11 a.m. at the same sites. 

School & District Personnel

For the remainder of the school year, only school and district personnel who perform essential functions — such as feeding children, maintaining facilities, and providing operational continuity as identified by PUSD — are required to physically go to work using Los Angeles County’s guidelines outlined in its “Safer at Home” Public Health Order.

Stay Connected

Visit pusd.us for the latest news and information or call the PUSD Family Hotline is (626) 396-3680.

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