Marketing Innovations Gets Virtual
By Brenda J. Trainor
In the midstof the COVID-19 crisis while the non-essential labor force is “safer at home,”perhaps you have time to think about that great new business idea. And when youare ready to make your pitch, will you have the marketing and communicationskills necessary to sell your idea and bring your innovation to reality?
MADIA Tech Launch can help you virtually with its next online meeting on Tuesday April 7 at 7 p.m. “Marketing 101 for Tech Companies” will be presented by Jeanette DePatie, the Top Beanie at Propellerhead, a consulting practice based in Duarte. This on-screen meetup is free but requires registration thru Eventbrite:
You may havea great idea for your boss, or you may have come up with a great new applicationof your favorite technology. Scientists and engineers often have their ownlanguage, but if you want to introduce an innovation, you’re going to have toconvince financiers, investors, venture capitalists, even family-members togive you money and resources to develop your cool new product or service, andeventually you’ll have to convince an audience to pay attention to your newidea and then persuade consumers to buy your innovation.
MADIA TechLaunch has regular monthly meetings that normally include dinner and drinks butthis month, the meet-up will be an online experience because that is what we doduring a pandemic, so you’ll have to prepare your own snacks and beverages, andMADIA will still bring you the good information. At this virtual meet-up,Jeanette DePatie will deliver some of the tools you need to convince others tocollaborate with you, invest in your ideas, and communicate persuasively andeffectively to a wide range of people.
DePatie hasextensive experience advising technology companies, and has tools that she hasused to raise millions in venture capital and to build campaigns for companieslike Twitter, DirectTV, Intel, Sony, and WB. In this workshop, she’ll provideideas about personal communication styles that will help you convert yourgeek-speak for different audiences: from specifications to stories, usingnonverbal cues to get better results, and to use your voice with confidence notarrogance. DePatie will advise how to effectively use acronyms and othermnemonic devices as only a Propellerhead can. And she’ll show you some of theneeded tools for your business idea to help you personalize your pitch forprofit, and to have short and simple presentations that get results.
The COVID-19 crisis has reinforced the importance of technology innovations and adaptation. Now is a great time to think about your skills and to develop innovative uses of technology. MADIA Tech Launch ( is a nonprofit whose mission is to ensure that our local region supports the technical, scientific, and industrial companies and our local workforce that create entrepreneurial technology innovations.