Understanding Arcadia’s Eviction Moratorium
COVID-19relief resources for tenants and small businesses
On March 17,2020, the Arcadia City Council adopted a Declaration of Local Emergencyallowing the city to enact emergency provisions including a moratorium onresidential and commercial evictions for non-payment of rent due to a verifiedCOVID-19 financial impact. The City Council order also makes price gougingunlawful, discontinues water shut-offs to residents and businesses, suspendspenalties for delinquent water and sewer payments, and suspends parkingrestrictions and fees for parking violations. These community protectionprovisions will remain in effect for 60 days from the date of adoption.
If you have questions regarding city services, please contact City Hall at (626) 574-5401 or visit ArcadiaCA.gov for more information. As a reminder, City Hall is closed to the public but city services are fully available virtually.
Are you a tenant in financialdistress?
Immediatelycontact your landlord and document in-writing how COVID-19 has injured youfinancially. Once the local emergency has been lifted, all unpaid rent is dueto be repaid within six months or as agreed to by the parties. Landlords maynot charge or collect late fees if the tenant has demonstrated financialhardship associated with COVID-19.
The City ofArcadia is not an intermediary between the tenant and landlord, and cannotwaive any rent that is owed. It is therefore up to the tenant and landlord tocommunicate clearly and in good faith. The city is encouraging landlords andtenants to work together during this challenging time to ensure public healthand safety.
Here aresome additional resources for residents and businesses:
- Southern California Edison: Suspended power shut-offs due to non-payment. For more information, visit: sce.com/safety/coronavirus.
- SoCal Gas: Suspended gas shut-offs due to non-payment. For more information, visit: socalgas.com/coronavirus.
- Unemployment: For individuals who have experienced unemployment due to COVID-19, you can file a claim at the California Employment Development Department at: edd.ca.gov/about_edd/coronavirus-2019.htm.
- Small Businesses: The U.S. Small Business Administration has made low-interest disaster loans available for COVID-19 impacts. You can find more information or apply at: sba.gov/disaster.
Per thelatest information from local, state, and federal public health officials, therisk of contracting the virus remains low. There are steps individuals can taketo help minimize and prevent the spread of COVID-19. These include:
- Wash yourhands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoidtouching face (eyes, nose, and mouth) with unwashed hands.
- Avoid closecontact with people who are sick.
- Stay homewhen you are sick.
- Cover yourcough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw it in the trash.
- Clean anddisinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Practicesocial distancing; avoid groups; maintain at least 6 feet from others.
Anyone whowas recently in an area that is currently experiencing a high infection rate ofCOVID-19 and feels sick with a fever, cough, or has difficulty breathing within14 days after leaving should:
- Seek medicalcare right away. Before going to a doctor’s office or emergency room, patientsshould call ahead and tell them about their recent travel and symptoms.
- Self-quarantineand avoid contact with others.
- Not travelwhile sick.
- Cover theirmouth and nose with a tissue or their sleeve (not their hands) when coughing orsneezing.
- Wash handsoften with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to avoid spreading the virusto others. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are notavailable.
For more information regarding the City of Arcadia’s response to COVID-19 along with future updates regarding city events and services, visit ArcadiaCA.gov or contact us at (626) 574-5401.