Fire Chief Washington’s Retirement Concerns NAACP
Last week, Beacon Media ran the story of Pasadena Fire Chief’s abrupt retirement amid the controversy of Bertral Washington being “reassigned” to the city manager’s office.
Ina written statement, the NAACP said, “Please understand, this is far from over.”
Despitethe community interest in this situation several questions continue to remainunanswered, says the NAACP. “Why was Chief Bertral Washington allowed to beremoved from his position without the Public Safety Committee being informed?”
“Weare deeply saddened and disappointed by this event. We respect and honor ChiefWashington’s decision to retire.” said Allen Edson, President of NAACPPasadena. “Let this be a reminder to every one of the importance of beingcivically engaged in their communities and to hold responsible partiesaccountable for their unprincipled actions. We as a community have a lot ofwork to do before those in the African American community who are in positionsof leadership in all sectors are treated fairly, with respect and given thesame support as their ‘white’ colleagues.”
Thestatement from NAACP concludes, “The lack of representation of people of color,specifically African Americans, in leadership positions in the City of Pasadenacontinues to be an ongoing issue. As one of the oldest civil rightsassociations in the nation, we are committed to continuing to fight for equalrights for all people. NAACP Pasadena will continue to engage the City ofPasadena in efforts to collaborate in the ending of racial discrimination andbias in all institutions throughout the city.”