61 New COVID-19 Cases in L.A. County
On Fridayafternoon, L.A. County public health officials confirmed 61 new cases ofCOVID-19 and two deaths. This brings the county’s total to 292 cases. Over thelast 48 hours there have been 101 new cases. Because there are positive casesacross the entire County, the public should not think one location is saferthan the other. Additional information, regarding some of the new cases arepending completion of an investigation.
According toDr. Barbara Ferrer, Los Angeles County Public Health director, the median ageof those who have been infected is 47 and there are 138 people between the agesof 18 and 65 that have tested positive.
Officialssay 2,400 people have been tested in the county and approximately 10% of themhave tested positive.
An enhancedHealth Officer Order was issued Thursday closing all nonessential business andrestricting all gatherings and events.
PublicHealth has issued the following guidance during this time of increased spread:“If you are mildly sick, stay home for at least seven days or until 72 hoursafter being fever free, whichever is longer. Call your doctor if you areconcerned and/or your symptoms worsen. Individuals who are elderly, haveunderlying health conditions or pregnant should consider contacting theirproviders earlier when they are sick.”