The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health (Public Health) has confirmed 46 new cases of 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19), including a second case in Arcadia, bringing the total number of laboratory confirmed cases in the county to 190 as of Wednesday afternoon. On Monday, Arcadia Weekly reported on the first confirmed case that was later followed City Manager Dominic Lazzaretto issuing a proclamation of local emergency which was ratified by City Council on Tuesday night.
Because there are positive cases across the entire county, the public should not think one location is safer than the other. Additional information regarding some of the new cases is pending completion of an investigation.
To date, Public Health has identified 190 cases across all areas in Los Angeles County, so everyone needs to practice social distancing and good public health hygiene.
Public Health is investigating these cases and will notify close contacts who are household members, intimate partners and healthcare professionals to assess and monitor them for signs and symptoms of illness. All confirmed cases are being isolated and close contacts are quarantined.
“We will see an increase in positive cases today, tomorrow and for the coming weeks, but that doesn’t mean our actions to slow the spread of the virus are not working. The measures we are taking in LA County will help flatten the curve,” said Barbara Ferrer, PhD, MPH, MEd, Los Angeles County Public Health Director. “By slowing the spread of the virus, we will protect our healthcare system and most vulnerable residents.”
Public Health issued a Health Officer Order to prohibit group events and gatherings, require social distancing measures and the closure of certain businesses, including bars, gyms, movie theaters and entertainment centers. The order, along with guidance, can be found online publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus.
Public Health has issued the following guidance during this time of increased spread:
- Avoid non-essential travel, public gatherings, and places where large groups of people congregate.
- Event organizers postpone or cancel non-essential gatherings of 50 or more until at least the end of March.
- For gatherings of less than 50 people, social distancing measures must be followed.
- Limit gatherings of individuals who are at higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19 (people older than 65, pregnant women, and those with chronic illness) to no more than 10 people.
- This guidance does not apply to activities such as attendance at regular school classes, work, or essential services, including public transportation, airport travel or shopping.
- If you are mildly sick with a fever, stay home and call your doctor if you are concerned and/or your symptoms worsen. Individuals who are elderly, have underlying health conditions or pregnant should consider contacting their providers earlier when they are sick.
- Exclude employees and visitors with any fever and/or respiratory infection symptoms and visitors with recent travel to any country or region with significant community transmission (including communities in the U.S.) from all schools, businesses, and gatherings of any size.
Follow all social distancing recommendations issued by Public Health.
Additional things you can do to protect yourself, your family and your community are on the Public Health website.