Arcadia Suspends After School Programs
The Arcadia Unified SchoolDistrict (AUSD) announced that it is closing all schools starting Monday, March16 for a two week period. As a result, all City of Arcadia Recreation &Community Services Department after school programs at AUSD schools arecancelled for the same duration of the district’s closure.
For more information regardingthe Arcadia Unified School District’s closure status, please visit theirwebsite at
There are currently no reportedcases of COVID-19 in Arcadia.
Per the latest information fromlocal, state, and federal public health officials, the risk of contracting thevirus remains low. There are steps individuals can take to help minimize andprevent the spread of COVID-19. These include:
- Wash yourhands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Avoidtouching face (eyes, nose, and mouth) with unwashed hands.
- Avoid closecontact with people who are sick.
- Stay homewhen you are sick.
- Cover yourcough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw it in the trash.
- Clean anddisinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
Anyone who was recently in anarea that is currently experiencing a high infection rate of COVID-19 and feelssick with a fever, cough, or has difficulty breathing within 14 days afterleaving should:
- Seek medicalcare right away. Before going to a doctor’s office or emergency room, patientsshould call ahead and tell them about their recent travel and symptoms.
- Self-quarantineand avoid contact with others.
- Not travel whilesick.
- Cover theirmouth and nose with a tissue or their sleeve (not their hands) when coughing orsneezing.
- Wash handsoften with soap and water for at least 20 seconds to avoid spreading the virusto others. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are notavailable.
For more information regardingthe City of Arcadia’s response to COVID-19 along with future updates regardingCity events and services, please visit us at or contact us at (626)574-5401. The City website also now includes a page dedicated to COVID-19.