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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Arcadia Police Department Adapts to COVID-19

Arcadia Police Department Adapts to COVID-19

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The Arcadia Police Department is making some procedure changes in efforts to keep the community safe and healthy from COVID-19. – Courtesy photo / Facebook @ArcadiaPD

In response to additionalguidance received by federal, state, and local public health officials, theArcadia Police Department is adapting to challenges caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19).The Arcadia Police Department is working to maintain field staffing levels thatensure high-quality response times to emergency calls for service within the city.

They have implemented processesthat have equipped department personnel with the necessary training andresources needed to establish good community-based behaviors and practices inefforts to reduce the likelihood of introduction or spread of COVID-19 withinthe department. Staff has been briefed on COVID-19 issues and will take all dueprecautions necessary when dealing with the public to keep everyone involved assafe as possible.

The department has modified someprocedures to limit exposure of the public and their employees. For example, theymay accept and document certain non-emergency crime reports over the telephonerather than in person.

To protect the health of the publicand personnel they are also limiting access to the Arcadia Police Departmentlobby except in essential or emergent situations. This practice will stay ineffect through March 31, at which time they will reassess circumstances todetermine whether or not a change in protocol is warranted. While the policedepartment lobby will remain open for limited purposes, residents areencouraged to call ahead at (626) 574-5150 to determine if the police can servetheir needs without requiring a visit.

Lobby restrictions do not applyto the following:

  • Regularlyscheduled child-custody exchanges.
  • Individualswho are required by law to check in with law enforcement for compliance toterms of release.
  • Situationsin which a law enforcement presence is needed to immediately protect life,safety or property.
  • Mandatoryvisits for payment of fees or collection of property.

If you request a call for serviceto report criminal activity or to file a report, call the Police DispatchCenter at (626) 574-5123. If you are experiencing flu-like symptoms, fever, ora respiratory illness, notify them when you make the call. This will allowfirst responders to take any needed safety precautions prior to their arrival.

Some police reports can also bemade online at report.citizenserviceportal.com. Residents are encouraged totake advantage of this service whenever possible.

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