Arcadia City Hall Closed to Visitors
In response to additionalguidance received by federal, state, and local public health officials, ArcadiaCity Hall will be closed to the public beginning Monday, March 16 until furthernotice. The city hall will still be fully staffed to respond to requests forservices by phone, email, or online; however, as part of the city’s COVID-19transmission mitigation efforts, they are requesting that the public refrainfrom coming to city hall.
The Arcadia Police Department andthe Arcadia Fire Department, including emergency medical services, are fullyoperational. Community safety remains the city’s highest priority and bothpublic safety departments have equipped department personnel with the necessarytraining and resources needed to establish good community-based behaviors thatshould help reduce the introduction or transmission of COVID-19.
If the public wishes to conductcity business, they are requesting that you contact the city department you arerequesting services from directly.
To view all online servicerequest options, visit the city website at
As a reminder, the ArcadiaCommunity Center and the Arcadia Public Library are also closed to the publicand non-essential personnel. This follows the city’s decision on March 9, tosuspend city-sponsored events with an expected attendance of over 100 personsand a high attendance of senior citizens. Further, on March 13, all City ofArcadia Recreation & Community Services Department after-school programs atArcadia Unified School District schools were cancelled for the same duration ofthe district’s closure.
For more information regardingthe City of Arcadia’s response to COVID-19 along with future updates regardingcity events and services, visit ArcadiaCA.govor call at (626) 574-5401.