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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent City of Pasadena Cancels All Non-Essential City-Sponsored Events

City of Pasadena Cancels All Non-Essential City-Sponsored Events

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Pasadena cancels events
Pasadena City Hall. – Courtesy photo / Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 2.5)

As previously reported by Pasadena Independent, the City of Pasadena has announced it is cancelling all of its “non-essential” city-sponsored events and activities until further notice. “Non-essential” events and activities generally include recreational events and classes, educational and cultural events, census events, Community Police Academy Kids Safety Academy, Police Activities League (PAL) center activity, and community excursions. The city is not presently directing the cancellation of any events or activities sponsored by third parties, although the city is reaching out to the coordinators and providing current guidelines by the California Department of Public Health regarding mass gatherings.  

ThePasadena Senior Center is an independent, third-party organization, notoperated by the City of Pasadena, and it will be considering its course ofaction with respect to its own events; the city will assist the Senior Centerin every way possible in its decision making and announcement process.

Accordingto the official press release issued by the city on Thursday, “The presentsituation with COVID-19 is unprecedented and the decision to cancel city-sponsoredevents is consistent with what appears to be emerging as the ‘best practice’and the manner in which cities and other public and private institutionsthroughout the state are responding to COVID-19 public health concerns. Thestrategy is presently to limit the opportunity for people to come into contactwith one another so as to limit the extent to which the COVID-19 virus canspread.”   

A list of cancelled events can be found at cityofpasadena.net. The city will continue the cancellations indefinitely until the situation changes and no rescheduling decisions have yet been made.

Protectyourself and others from getting sick by:

  • Washing hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water aren’t available, use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
  • Coughing or sneezing into a tissue or your elbow, not your hand.
  • Not touching your mouth, eyes, or nose.
  • Disinfecting frequently-touched surfaces often, including cell phones, light switches, doorknobs, and toilets.
  • Staying home if you’re feeling sick.
  • Avoiding contact with people who are sick.
  • Getting your flu shot to protect against influenza.
  • If you have recently returned from a country with ongoing COVID-19 infections, follow public health guidance and monitor your health. Call your healthcare providers and inform them about your travel history if you need care.

Youcan also prepare for possible disruptions to daily routines that could becaused by COVID-19:

  • Make sure you have a supply of all essential medications for your family.
  • Make a child care plan in case you or a care giver are sick.
  • Understand your employer’s policies regarding leave and options forworking from home.
  • Make arrangements for how your family will manage a school closure.
  • Make a plan for how you can care for a sick family member withoutgetting sick yourself.

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