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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Caltech Ends Classes Until March 30 Due to Health Concerns

Caltech Ends Classes Until March 30 Due to Health Concerns

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Caltech campus entrance. – Courtesy photo / Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)

Covid-19 tests results confirmed the studentis not ill with COVID-19

The Pasadena Public Health Department (PPHD) notified Caltech Wednesdaythat the results for the graduate student who was tested Monday for COVID-19were negative. The student has been self-isolated in off-campus housing sincethe weekend and is recovering.

At this time, there are no confirmed cases on the Caltech campus. PPHD did confirm its first positive case of COVID-19 on Wednesday, but has said that the case is unrelated to Caltech’s graduate student.

The Institute has established an Emergency Operations Center (EOC)that is operating in collaboration with the infectious disease group inplanning for and implementing the Institute’s preparedness efforts. Throughthis operation, the Institute is in regular communication with the PPHD.

According to an announcement issued Wednesday by the school’s Office of the President, “In the eventuality of a confirmed case of COVID-19 in [Caltech’s] community, [the school] will work with the local health department to communicate this to the campus as quickly as is possible, and to conduct a full investigation that includes contacting individuals who might have been exposed to COVID-19 in the course of their campus routines.”

After consultation with local experts, Caltech ended theinstructional term at the end of Wednesday.

Undergraduate students have been asked to complete their finalexams and assignments for the quarter remotely. Faculty will communicate byemail to students regarding exams and any outstanding assignments, which willneed to be submitted electronically.

As of Wednesday, on-campus instruction is scheduled to resume withthe start of the spring quarter on March 30. Given the rapidly evolvingsituation, campus leaders are actively planning for all instruction to shiftonline in case the need for these plans arises. If such measures are to beimplemented, the school will notify the community.

Undergraduate students are being strongly encouraged to returnhome for the duration of spring break. Students who need to remain in Caltechundergraduate housing during break must register with Student Housing and shouldbe prepared for the eventuality that the school may need to implement reducedor alternate dining service as the situation evolved, according to theannouncement. The school also warns it may need to shift room assignments ifisolation measures are required.

Public health officials have advised that students who arecurrently displaying flu-like symptoms or are otherwise reporting illnessesshould remain on campus and not travel until they have recovered.

All public events on campus have been canceled, postponed, or madevirtual through April 6. No new events can be scheduled before May 1. Furthercancellations will be considered on a rolling basis.

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