PCC Remains Open, Makes Adjustments in Response to COVID-19
By LaVielle Hibbert
COVID-19also known as the coronavirus has been the biggest health epidemic this year.The spread of the virus has had everybody globally in a frenzy.
Shelves arebare without the essentials: no tissue, paper towels, antibacterial soap,hand sanitizers, disinfectants etc.
Schools arealso taking precautionary measures because of the fast spread of the virus.California issued a state of emergency so people would be more aware of theextreme consequences of the virus.
PasadenaCity College (PCC) has been issuing weekly statements regarding the virus ㅡ updating students, faculty andthe general public.
“As a precautionary measure, both the county and the City of Pasadena declared a public health emergency in their jurisdictions,” said PCC Health Services. “It is important to note that there are no confirmed cases of coronavirus transmission in Pasadena at this time, and PCC is open for normal operations.”
On Tuesday,Pasadena Independent received a press release from PCC listing changes takingeffect on March 18 through the end of spring break, April 20.
By March 18,PCC will convert most in-person classes to offer temporary remote instructionwherever possible through Canvas, Zoom, and other modalities. No changes willbe made to courses that require face-to-face instruction; these courses willcontinue to meet on campus as scheduled. Examples of courses in this categoryinclude performing arts, lab courses, and physical education. Faculty shouldcontact their dean for further clarification.
From March18 through April 20, college events with a projected attendance of more than100 people will be cancelled or postponed. Sporting events will be conductedwherever possible without spectators, while college arts performances will bepostponed until later in the semester. Community events will be cancelled orpostponed.
To helpfacilitate this transition, the agenda for PD Day will be reconfigured to allowfaculty, staff, and managers time to prepare for these changes. Breakfast andlunch on Thursday (March 12) will proceed as planned in the Piazza, as will thestreamed message from Dr. Endrijonas at 9 a.m. sharp. Faculty, staff, andadministrators should plan to tune in to the stream to learn more about PCC’songoing response to the coronavirus outbreak. The special classified morningevent and all afternoon breakout sessions have been cancelled. More informationabout how preparations will unfold within Academic divisions and studentservices and other departments will be forthcoming from the Office ofProfessional Development and your supervisor or dean.
The collegeis not closing. College facilities will remain open, and many operations willcontinue normally. Unless they are actively sick, employees are required toreport to work as normal.
Thecustodial staff on campus is aware of the dangers that this virus could bring.They are been increasing cleaning and sanitization efforts, and increasedsupplies of hand sanitizer, soap, and other cleaning products are beingdistributed around the campus to prevent the virus from spreading.
PCC is encouraging it’s staff and students to keep up to date with what is going on in the school and county, practice good hygiene, stay at home if you become sick, identify your medical provider and know how to contact them, update your personal emergency plan and help the college to remain calm during this time.