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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Pasadena Independent Pasadena Crime Blotters: Feb. 1–29

Pasadena Crime Blotters: Feb. 1–29

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At 4:56 p.m. five victims, who are allprofessional BMX riders, were in Pasadena to film an amateur BMX video at alocal park. The bike riders were approached by a local gang member who took aset of keys from one of the victims and told the victims he was taking one oftheir skateboards because he was “taxing” them for being in “hispark.” The suspect also lifted up his shirt, revealing several gangtattoos as a sign of intimidation. The suspect fled the location on the stolenskateboard and the victims followed him for a short distance until policearrived. As officers were obtaining statements from the victims, the suspectrode by on the skateboard. Officers were able to quickly take the suspect intocustody without incident.


At 5:05 p.m. Pasadena Police Departmentresponded to a trailhead in the nature area close to JPL regarding a person whowas performing CPR on a bicyclist. The Pasadena Fire Department arrived firstand transported the victim to a local hospital. Unfortunately the victim passedaway at the hospital. It was determined the victim was mountain biking on thetrails near JPL and a witness heard the victim crash his bike. The goodSamaritan immediately initiated CPR for the bicyclist and called 911 forassistance. Preliminarily, it appears the bicyclist suffered a medicalemergency.


At 7:33 p.m. officers responded to the 600 blockof Penn Street regarding a house and tree on fire. The resident was inside herresidence and believed one of her dogs knocked over papers onto a floor heater.She walked outside to put her dogs in the backyard and when she returned to thehouse, she saw the flames. She was able to get out of her residence; however,she did sustain second degree burns to both hands as well as minor smokeinhalation.


At 9:05 p.m. officers responded to Memorial Parkregarding an armed robbery of a bus driver. The victim had parked his busadjacent to Memorial Park so he could use the park’s restroom. While in therestroom, two male suspects brandishing knives entered the restroom anddemanded the victim’s wallet, identification and cell phone. Out of fear, thevictim complied. The suspects then ordered the victim to wait in an empty stallwhile the suspects fled the restroom in an unknown direction. Fortunately, thevictim was not injured during the robbery.


At 6:38 a.m. Pasadena Police Department’sDispatch Center received a call of shots heard in the 500 block of North FairOaks Avenue. Officers searched the area and located an occupied vehicle, parkedin the immediate area. Officers approached the car and found a casing inside.After conducting a thorough investigation, one of the vehicle’s occupants wasarrested and a firearm was recovered. The arrested individual was an admittedgang member.


At 5:01 a.m. the Police Department received acall of an in-progress burglary at a residence in the 400 block of SouthCatalina Avenue. The owner was not at the residence but was monitoring thelocation via live remote security cameras. Initially it was reported thesuspect was inside upon the officer’s arrival. A containment of the residencewas established, however, it was later learned there was a delay in policenotification and the suspect fled the scene prior to officers’ arrival. Furtherinvestigation is being conducted by police detectives.


At 12:35 p.m. officers conducted a traffic stopfor a vehicle code violation at Navarro Avenue and Tremont Street. Officers requestedto search the vehicle and the driver gave permission. The officers located aloaded revolver under the front seat. The driver and passenger were arrestedfor possession of a loaded firearm and the passenger had previously beenconvicted for a felon in possession of a firearm.

At 3:09 p.m. Pasadena Police Dispatch Centerreceived numerous calls of a male suspect who was ramming occupied vehicleswith his vehicle in the 300 block of East Del Mar Boulevard. Officers respondedand contacted the suspect who was still seated in his vehicle at the location.It was determined the suspect was upset with the amount of traffic and ended upstriking four vehicles with his vehicle during this incident. The suspect wasarrested for assault with a deadly weapon. Fortunately, no one was injuredduring this incident.


At 6:34 p.m. Pasadena officers responded to thearea of the 1800 block of East Colorado Boulevard regarding an armed robbery ata nearby gas station. The suspect entered the location armed with a firearm anddemanded money from the victim. The suspect made verbal threats of “killing”the business’ clerk if he did not “open the register!” The suspectunsuccessfully attempted to open a safe but was able to open and remove cashfrom the register. The suspect fled prior to officers’ arrival. Furtherinvestigation is being conducted by police detectives.


At 8:36 a.m. police dispatch received a call ofa fire in the 200 block of North Hudson Avenue. Officers and Pasadena FireDepartment responded and located an active fire at the apartment complex.Officers assisted in evacuating nearby apartments while the firefightersextinguished the fire. Extensive damage was caused by water in the adjoiningapartments and evidence suggested the resident of the apartment where the fireinitially started had intentionally set the fire. The resident was arrested andfurther investigation is being conducted by the arson investigator.


At 8:38 a.m. Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputieswere in the 200 block of North Hudson Avenue serving an eviction notice. Theresident started to fight with the deputies and Pasadena Police were called tothe scene. The suspect fled the location and was contacted a short distancelater by Pasadena officers. The suspect was uncooperative and a fight ensued betweenthe suspect and Pasadena officers. The suspect was ultimately arrested forassault with a deadly weapon on a police officer. The deputies from the LosAngeles County Sheriff’s Department handled the arrest, booking andinvestigation of the suspect.


At 10:11 p.m. officers responded to the 100block of East Colorado Boulevard regarding a disturbance between a male andfemale who had previously been married but had separated approximately two yearsearlier. During the verbal altercation between the male and female, the victimattempted to call the police at which time the suspect slashed the victim’svehicle tires. The suspect was ultimately arrested for stalking.


At 4:42 a.m. officers responded to a localhospital regarding a female who had been assaulted in the Old Pasadena area.The victim was unable to provide many detail regarding the incident except thatshe suffered a head injury from an altercation she had with another female. Thevictim’s recollection of the incident was minimal; likely a result of the headinjury she sustained. Further investigation is being conducted by detectives.


At 9:31 p.m. Pasadena officers responded to the1200 block of Glen Oaks Boulevard regarding a residential burglary. Twosuspects had climbed over a perimeter fence and entered an open garage. Thesuspects fled after stealing two bicycles. The residence was equipped withsecurity cameras and the suspects’ images were captured. Further investigationis being conducted by police detectives.


At 8:46 a.m. officers responded to the 800 blockof Fairmount Avenue regarding an armed robbery. After parking in the building’sparking structure, the victim was gathering his belongings from inside of hisvehicle when two male suspects approached him from behind and demanded thevictim’s backpack. One of the suspects put a knife to the victim’s neck andpulled the backpack off the victim’s shoulder. Both suspects fled the area.Further investigation is being conducted and no injuries resulted from thisincident.

At 6:37 p.m. officers responded to the 2300block of Queensberry Road regarding a residential burglary. The victim left hisresidence in the early morning and when he returned later in the day, hediscovered his house had been ransacked. Another residential burglary occurredthat same day, near this burglary and four suspects were seen leaving in a redCamaro.


At 11:49 a.m. officers responded to an“in-progress” residential burglary in the 1000 block of Del Rey. The suspectswere seen entering the rear yard of the residence and had arrived in a redCamaro. One suspect was still inside of the red Camaro when the first officerarrived and was detained. Two other suspects fled on foot from the victim’sresidence and were later apprehended by officers with items of loss in theirpossession. All three suspects were arrested for residential burglary anddetectives were investigating this incident as well as the previous burglariesthat occurred in the same area.


At 5:51 p.m. police dispatch received a phonecall of an attempted kidnapping in the 2900 block of Sierra Madre Boulevard.The female victim had been waiting at a bus stop when a suspect exited hisvehicle and approached her asking for money. The victim refused to give himmoney and started walking away when the suspect grabbed her by the arm. Thevictim was able to break free from the suspect’s grasp and ran. Officerssearched but did not locate the suspect or his vehicle. Further investigationis being conducted by detectives.

At noon police officers responded to the area ofColorado Boulevard and Marion Avenue regarding a male who was seen pouringgasoline on a nearby motel and lighting the flammable liquid on fire. Anemployee was able to quickly extinguish the fire. Officers responded to thelocation and detained the male and after further investigation, officerslearned the suspect had a dispute with the business and decided to set thebuilding on fire. The suspect was arrested for arson and arson investigatorswere conducting an investigating into the incident.


At 3:52 a.m. the Police Dispatch Center receivednumerous calls of shots fired in the 500 block of Summit Avenue. Officerscanvassed the area and found evidence of a shooting. Fortunately it appearsthere were no victims struck by the gunfire. Further investigation of theshooting is being conducted by police detectives.

At 5:23 a.m. officers responded to the 2000block of East Colorado Boulevard regarding three suspects who had entered thevictim’s unlocked hotel room. The victim was sleeping in his hotel room whilethe suspects removed items from his room. At one point, the victim awoke andfound one of the suspects standing over him, holding a knife. Throughinvestigation, it was learned the suspects were staying in an adjacent room.Officers located and arrested two suspects, however the third suspect had fledprior to officer’s arrival.

At 2:45 p.m. officers attempted to pull over avehicle for a traffic violation in the 900 block of North Raymond Avenue. Thedriver refused to stop and a pursuit was initiated. A short distance later, thesuspect abandoned his vehicle and fled on foot. Officers were able to quicklydetain the suspect and arrested him. The suspect stated he fled from the policebecause he did not have a driver’s license.


At 1:31 a.m. officers responded to the 100 blockof East Holly Street regarding an armed robbery at a nearby park. The victimreported two suspects had punched him in the face, brandished a knife and stolehis headphones and jacket. The suspects were quickly located nearby anddetained by officers. The victim identified the suspects and the loss wasrecovered nearby where it had been discarded. The suspects were arrested forarmed robbery and transported to the Pasadena Police Jail. The victim sustainedonly minor injuries as a result of the punch to the face.

At 1:07 p.m. police dispatch received a phonecall from the victim who stated he had just been carjacked in area of FlowerStreet and Marengo Avenue. The victim/driver was delivering packages when hewas approached by the suspect who was holding a handgun and demanded thevictim’s vehicle. The suspect fled the location in the vehicle, which containedseveral other packages set to be delivered. The vehicle was later recovered inthe City of Azusa. The suspect is still outstanding. Further follow-up is beingconducted by police detectives.


At 6:15 p.m. officers conducted a traffic stopon a vehicle for a vehicle code violation in the area of Orange Grove Boulevardand Raymond Avenue. Officers discovered the driver had a suspended license andasked the driver and passenger to exit the vehicle. The passenger refused toexit the vehicle. He was removed and it was later discovered he was inpossession of a loaded firearm which was concealed in his clothing. Thepassenger was a suspected gang member with a previous conviction for possessionof a firearm and burglary and was subsequently arrested for a felon inpossession of a firearm.


At 8:14 a.m. officers responded to the 3100block of Lombardy Road regarding a parking enforcement officer who had beenassaulted. The parking enforcement officer had placed a boot on the suspect’svehicle for various parking violations. The suspect used a metal bar to removethe boot from the vehicle and when the parking officer intervened, the suspectthrew the parking enforcement officer to the ground and threatened him with themetal bar. The suspect was arrested for assault with a deadly weapon and therewere no injuries that resulted from this incident.


At 8:02 a.m. officers responded to the 3200block of East Foothill Boulevard regarding a burglary from a storage facility.The victim called and reported approximately $200,000 worth of musicalinstruments were taken from his storage unit. Video surveillance revealed thesuspects were the owners of an adjacent unit. Officers attempted to contact thesuspects, however they were not located. Further investigation is beingconducted by detectives.


At 11:59 p.m. officers conducted a traffic stopon a vehicle in the 100 block of Painter Street for a vehicle code violation.During the contact, officers found that the passenger was on parole for a felonin possession of a firearm. Officers conducted a parole search and located aloaded firearm under the passenger’s seat. The gun had been reported stolenfrom Las Vegas. The occupants were arrested for possessing the firearm.


At 12:17p.m. officers attempted to stop avehicle related to an ongoing investigation in the area of the 210 Freeway andLake Avenue. The vehicle initially pulled over, but then sped away attemptingto evade the officers. A vehicle pursuit ensued. At one point, a femalepassenger fled from the vehicle in the City of Glendale, but was quicklyapprehended by Pasadena officers. The female suspect was found to be inpossession of a large amount of narcotics. The driver of the suspect vehiclecontinued to flee and California Highway Patrol officers were eventually ableto disable the suspect’s vehicle in Santa Clarita. The driver was arrested andboth suspects were booked at the Pasadena Police Department.


At 12:22 a.m. officers conducted a traffic stopon a vehicle for a vehicle code violation on the Foothill Freeway and the 134Freeway interchange. During the traffic stop, the officer discovered thevehicle had been reported stolen to the Los Angeles Police Department. A K-9search of the vehicle revealed narcotics inside of the vehicle. The driver ofthe vehicle was arrested and transported to the Pasadena Police Jail.

At 10:46 p.m. officers responded to Fair OaksAvenue and the Foothill Freeway regarding a semi-tractor trailer truck that hadcollided into a freeway overpass metal fence. The collision sent debris ontothe freeway below. Subsequently, 22 vehicles on the freeway were disabled dueto flat tires from the fence debris that had landed on the freeway. The freewayhad to be shut down for approximately 20 minutes to secure the debris andattend to the disabled vehicle. Fortunately, no one was hurt as a result ofthis incident.

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