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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly 2020 Elections Theme Selected for Readers’ Choice

2020 Elections Theme Selected for Readers’ Choice

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Voting starts Monday, March 9

With thisyear’s Readers’ Choice publication, we wanted to lighten the mood a little andgive our readers a chance to vote for their favorite local business. Whether itbe a bar, restaurant or a service-oriented company that goes above and beyondand really merits a heartfelt “pat on the back” for exceptional service andproducts, let the world know who you love in the highly-anticipated Readers’Choice 2020.

Readers’Choice is the annual tip-of-the-hat, if you will, to local tradespeople selectedby you, our readers, as your FAVORITE in any chosen profession and this year’stheme pays homage to the progression of numerous ways in which we vote, how wevote and why we vote. Important issues such as who’s your favorite doctor towho makes the best darn taco are central to our daily lives and readers havethe annual opportunity to vote for their favorite in any of our categories.

Our easy online voting procedure starts this coming Monday, March 9 at readerschoicesgv.com/voting-page. Don’t miss this opportunity to tell your preferred restaurant how much you love them, not by merely leaving a tip but by leaving a lasting impression by voting in Readers’ Choice 2020.

Your decisionswill be published in the highly popular and widely distributed full-color 2020Readers’ Choice special in print and online in the month of August.

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