Monrovia Launches Community Survey for Measure K Spending Plan
Monrovia community members have an opportunity to share theirinput on the preliminary spending plan for the new sales tax revenue receivedfrom Measure K. Residents, along with in-town business owners, are encouragedto take the Measure K Preliminary Spending Plan Community Survey,through April 30. The survey is nine questions and is estimated to take around 10minutes to complete.
On Nov. 5, 2019, residents of Monrovia voted to approve MeasureK, the Keep Monrovia Revenues Local Sales Tax Measure, to ensure new sales taxrevenues stay in Monrovia to be reinvested into the community. Measure K willgenerate an estimated $4.5 million per year in additional sales tax revenuesfor the city. Leading up to the election, a preliminaryfive-year expenditure plan was developed, identifyingcommunity enhancing projects. Those who choose to take the survey will be askedto rank these spending plan options, which include:
- Establishing a new and/or improvedcommunity center.
- Reducing costs for residents bydecreasing utility bills, such as water.
- Working towards an AAA credit ratingby building the rainy day fund and planning for future cost increases.
- Investing in public buildings, parkimprovements and community facilities.
- Addressing other community prioritieslike affordable housing, preventing homelessness, youth programs and publicsafety, etc.
After April 30, the findings of the survey will be discussed by the Monrovia City Council, along with the Measure K Citizens Advisory Committee, and will be shared with the community. Hard copies of the surveys are available upon request. The new sales tax will go into effect on April 1, 2020. For additional information on Measure K, visit