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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Monrovia Weekly / Monrovia Crime Blotters: Feb. 13–19

Monrovia Crime Blotters: Feb. 13–19

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Feb. 13

At12:37 p.m., the OnStar Company notified Monrovia dispatch of a stolen vehicleparked in the 900 block of South Fifth. Officers responded and located thevehicle. A male suspect was seen entering the vehicle. Officers initiated atraffic stop and conducted an investigation. The suspect was found to be inpossession of a controlled substance and drug paraphernalia. He was arrestedand taken into custody.

At1:40 p.m., a resident in the 300 block of North Primrose called police toreport her home had been burglarized. She had left the home at 10:30 a.m. thatday and returned at approximately 1 p.m. Officers responded and conducted aninvestigation. It appears the suspects entered the residence through a dogentrance in the rear door. This investigation is continuing.

At6:38 p.m., a grand theft was reported at a business in the 600 block of WestHuntington. A male suspect entered the store with the hood of his sweatshirtwrapped around his face. The suspect broke a display case and took two cellphones, then ran out of the store. Officers arrived and checked the area, butwere unable to locate the suspect. This investigation is continuing.

At9:06 p.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 900 block of West Duarte.Officers arrived and obtained surveillance footage showing the suspect. Thevictim’s purse had been stolen previously while she was in a local business, andthe suspect then used the keys to take the vehicle. This investigation iscontinuing.

Feb. 14

At1:12 a.m., a caller reported multiple subjects in the 300 block of Meadow Lane,possibly looking into vehicles. Officers arrived and found the subjects werestanding around a damaged vehicle. After investigation, it was determined thedriver of the vehicle had driven into the curb. The driver was insistent he didnot hit anything, and that the airbags deployed on their own. He was given afield sobriety test and it was determined he was driving under the influence ofdrugs and alcohol. He was arrested and transported to a hospital, where heprovided a blood sample.

At3:43 p.m., a grand theft of a spare tire was reported in the 600 block of WestHuntington. The full-sized spare tire was taken from the back of the victim’svehicle while parked in a business parking lot. The victim was shopping in abusiness. This investigation is continuing.

At5:54 p.m., a female driver parked her vehicle in the 700 block of West Foothilland was taking her child out of the vehicle. A second vehicle was passing byand hit her open passenger door. The second vehicle did not stop. Officersarrived and searched the area for the suspect vehicle, but were not able to locateit. This investigation is continuing.

At9:13 p.m., officers responded to a residence in the 400 block of Genoaregarding a report of possible prowlers in the area. A neighbor had seen twosubjects running and jumping over a fence near the wash. During a search of theproperty for the subjects, an illegal indoor marijuana grow operation wasdiscovered in a vacant house. This investigation is continuing.

Feb. 15

At8:49 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from an apartment complex in the 600block of East Olive. The vehicle had been taken sometime during the night. Thisinvestigation is continuing.

At9:25 a.m., a subject called police to report finding mail on the street fromaddresses on El Dorado, Diamond, and Encino. Officers responded and collectedthe mail, which will be returned to the correct addresses. This investigationis continuing.

At2:33 p.m., two vehicles collided at the intersection of California andHuntington. Officers arrived and conducted an investigation. One of thevehicles was traveling west on Huntington and failed to stop for the redtraffic signal. One of the drivers was transported to the hospital for acomplaint of pain.

At3:38 p.m., a grand theft incident was reported in the 700 block of Ocean View.The victim reported that he left his drone inside his unlocked vehicleovernight. When he returned to his vehicle, he found the drone had been takenfrom inside. This investigation is continuing.

At3:49 p.m., a caller from a business in the 900 block of West Foothill reporteda shoplifting incident that had just occurred. Officers arrived and located thesuspect, who was also found to be in possession of drug paraphernalia. Thesuspect was arrested and issued a citation to appear in court on the charges.

At3:53 p.m., an officer on patrol observed a suspicious vehicle traveling throughthe intersection of Alta Vista and Hillcrest. A computer check revealed therewas a no-bail warrant attached to the license plate. A traffic stop was made,and the driver exhibited symptoms of being under the influence. Field sobrietytests were conducted. The driver was arrested for DUI and held for a soberingperiod.

At4:46 p.m., a caller from a business in the 400 block of East Duarte reportedthat a bolt had been cut to gain access to the business sometime during thenight. Officers arrived and determined the suspects were not successful ingaining entry. This investigation is continuing.

Feb. 16

At4:42 a.m., officers responded to the 210 Freeway regarding an injury trafficcollision involving a wrong-way driver. Officers arrived and found the twovehicles had been involved in a head-on collision. There was smoke coming fromthe vehicles and one of them was overturned. When officers checked foroccupants, they found one of the drivers was deceased. The other driver wastrapped inside the overturned vehicle. The officers were able to break a windowand extract him. He was conscious and was taken to a local hospital fortreatment. California Highway Patrol arrived on scene and assumed control ofthe investigation.

At1:53 p.m., a member of a church in the 900 block of South Shamrock walkedoutside the church and discovered someone had shattered her car window andtaken her purse from the front seat while she was inside the service. Officersarrived and collected video surveillance of the suspects. This investigation iscontinuing.

At8:02 p.m., police received a call reporting a suspicious unoccupied vehicleparked in the 500 block West Colorado. The vehicle appeared to be an old blackand white police car with no lights or license plates. The investigationrevealed the vehicle was not a police vehicle, but it had been reported stolenout of Santa Ana. While officers were there, a subject approached and told themit was his car. He claimed he purchased the vehicle from a friend for $1,000but hadn’t finished paying for it. The subject was found to have an outstandingwarrant for his arrest. He was arrested for the warrant and the vehicle wasrecovered.

Feb. 17

At1:59 p.m., officers were dispatched to a business in the 1600 block of SouthMountain regarding a shoplifting incident in progress. They arrived as thesuspect was fleeing from loss prevention employees. The suspect saw theofficers, stopped running, and complied. The property was recovered and thesuspect was arrested. He was issued a citation to appear in court on thecharges.

Feb. 18

At12:23 a.m., a caller reported seeing two male suspects breaking into a businesslocated in the 2600 block of South Myrtle. Officers responded and set upcontainment of the area with support from neighboring agencies. The twosuspects exited the building with stolen items, but then ran back inside thebuilding when they saw police. The two suspects were eventually located hidingwithin the building, away from one another. Both suspects were arrested. Aninjured suspect was taken to a nearby hospital, treated, and later releasedback into the custody of Monrovia Police Department. Both suspects were chargedwith commercial burglary and are currently being held pending their courtappearance.

Feb. 19

At11:27 a.m., a theft from an unlocked vehicle was reported at a business parkinglot in the 700 block of West Huntington. The victim walked outside the store hewas shopping in and discovered someone had entered his unlocked truck. The suspecttook several tools and then fled the area. Officers searched for the suspect,but did not locate anyone. This investigation is continuing.

At4:16 p.m., a vehicle burglary was reported at a business parking lot in the1600 block of South Mountain. The victim returned to his vehicle from shoppingand discovered someone had forced entry into it. The suspect took tools frominside the vehicle. Officers searched for the suspect, but were unable tolocate anyone. This investigation is continuing.

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