Social media slams local TV stations for excessive helicopter noise
By Terry Miller
For the second day in a row, Monrovia residents were jolted out of their beds when local news helicopters distracted those attempting to sleep at 5 a.m. hope to get a glimpse of a large bear roaming near Mayflower and Highland Place. ABC and KTLA helicopters hovered for what seemed to be an eternity early Friday.
Neither the noise of the helicopters, nor presence the media news vans, seemed to disturb the bear as he wandered the neighborhood for food. However, many residents were up in arms Friday morning incensed by the early morning chopper talk that literally awoke residents North of Foothill Boulevard.
On Facebook, Monrovia Councilwoman Becky Shevlin voiced her disdain for the choppers awakening the peaceful community of Monrovia for a bear sighting. “Over the top…” Shevlin said.

Jen Eginton Peterson said: “I will vote for any council member who initiates an ordinance prohibiting the coverage of Bear [sic] sightings by helicopter.”
Mary Beth Zipper Cavanaugh said: “Need Monrovia Wildlife [sic] protections. Being surrounding [sic] by media circus lights, noise, smells will make them panic, act “”erratically” [sic] (for human standards) and get our co- habitants killed!”
News vehicles and photographers followed the bear as it sauntered along sidewalks and visited the porch of one home on Highland Place.
California Fish & Wildlife said the bear was reportedly tranquilized at that location at about 8 a.m.