
Monrovia Crime Blotters: Jan. 30 – Feb. 5

- Courtesy photo

Jan. 30

At 1:39 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of West Olive called police to report someone was attempting to open her front door. Officers arrived and found an extremely intoxicated male standing near the front door. It was learned that the male subject used to live at the location and was only rattling the door knob. Monrovia Fire responded to the scene, but the subject refused to go to the hospital. The subject was too intoxicated to care for himself and was arrested for public intoxication. He was held for a sobering period.

At 8:38 a.m., a burglary was reported at an apartment complex in the 1000 block of East Royal Oaks. The suspect cut a hole in the window screen and entered an unlocked window. The suspect drilled the locks on the washing machines and took a small dollar amount of quarters from the machines. Investigation continuing.

At 8:39 p.m., a male subject called police to report that another male subject threw a stick at his vehicle while he was at a business in the 200 block of East Huntington. Officers arrived and located a subject who matched the description provided. A consent search of the subject revealed he had a glass pipe in his possession which is used to smoke methamphetamine. There was no damage to the reporting person’s vehicle. The male subject was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia and issued a citation to appear in court on the charges.

Jan. 31

At 9:20 a.m., a resident in the 500 block of North Alta Vista called police to report a suspicious vehicle in the area, possibly casing homes in the neighborhood. Officers arrived and located the vehicle. A computer check revealed one of the occupants had outstanding warrants for his arrest. He was arrested and taken into custody.

At 10:14 a.m., an employee from a business in the 1600 block of South Magnolia called police to report someone had attempted to remove two catalytic converters sometime during the night from vehicles parked in their lot. They did not get the catalytic converters off, but the vehicles sustained a significant amount of damage. The investigation is continuing.

At 1:56 p.m., a grand theft incident was reported in the 500 block of West Huntington. While the victim was eating at a restaurant, someone stole the full-sized tire that was attached to the rear of her vehicle, along with the tire cover. Investigation continuing.

At 4:31 p.m., a motorist was traveling east on Foothill, waiting to make a left turn onto Canyon. Once traffic was clear, the motorist proceeded to make a left turn, but did not see a pedestrian who was crossing in the crosswalk. The pedestrian was struck by the vehicle at approximately 5 miles per hour. The pedestrian complained of pain and had minor visible injuries.

At 6:49 p.m., a residential burglary was reported in the 1600 block of Venice. The resident left the house at around 2:15 p.m. When she returned home at approximately 6:45 p.m., she discovered the rear door to her home had been forced open. Officers arrived and searched inside the home. While searching the residence, officers could see the residence had been ransacked. Investigation continuing.

At 10:27 p.m., a caller reported a grand theft that occurred in the 100 block of West Foothill. The victim was sitting at a table outside a business, when three suspects ran up and took his Louis Vuitton handbag and wallet, and then fled the area. He provided the officer with a description. An area check was conducted, but no suspects were located. Investigation continuing.

Feb. 1

At 12:31 a.m., an officer responded to the report of a vehicle burglary in the 700 block of West Duarte. The victim parked his vehicle on the street at 7:45 p.m. When he returned to his vehicle at 12:30 a.m., he noticed the rear passenger window was completely smashed. The suspect took two tool bags containing miscellaneous tools and one duffle bag containing clothes. The investigation is continuing.

At 7:40 p.m., an officer was patrolling the area of Myrtle and Foothill when he saw a motorist commit a traffic violation. A traffic stop was conducted by the officer and the driver was contacted. A computer check revealed the driver had two outstanding warrants for his arrest. He was arrested for the warrants and taken into custody.

Feb. 2

At 1:58 a.m., an officer was patrolling the 2000 block of South Myrtle when he saw a motorist commit a traffic violation. A traffic stop was made and the driver was contacted. The driver displayed symptoms of being under the influence of alcohol. A DUI investigation was conducted and it was determined that the driver was operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. He was arrested and held for a sobering period.

At 6:51 a.m., a vehicle was reported stolen from the 900 block of South Fifth Avenue. The victim reported he was staying at a hotel and sometime during the night his vehicle was taken without his permission. The vehicle was entered into the stolen vehicle system. Investigation continuing.

At 8:21 a.m., an employee from a business in the 1600 block of South Mountain called police to report a male subject entered the business and concealed merchandise on his person. He then exited the store without paying for the items. He was detained by loss prevention employees. An officer arrived and conducted an investigation. The stolen items were recovered and returned to the store. The subject was arrested and issued a citation to appear in court on the charge.

At 5:57 p.m., an officer was on patrol in the area of Myrtle and Chestnut when he received notification of a stolen vehicle in the area. The officer located the vehicle and attempted a high risk traffic stop. The driver stopped and a female passenger ran from the vehicle. The driver then drove away in an attempt to evade officers and crashed into a building in the 200 block of West Foothill. The driver fled on foot, but the Foothill Air Support Team helicopter was able to locate him and he was taken into custody. The female passenger was also located and taken into custody a short time later. The female was found to be wanted for another grand theft auto incident out of Covina. Both suspects were arrested.

Feb. 3

At 8:12 a.m., the owner of a business in the 200 block of West Maple arrived to work and discovered the building had been burglarized sometime over the weekend. Officers responded to investigate and found the suspects had broken a window to gain entry. They took merchandise from the business and fled the building. The same type of burglary occurred at this business previously on Dec. 21. This investigation is continuing.

At 2:03 p.m., the manager of a truck dealership in the 1600 block of South Magnolia reported that someone had attempted to take the catalytic converter off one of the trucks. The suspect cut half way through the converter, but wasn’t successful in removing it. The attempt theft was discovered when the manager started the truck.

At 5:36 p.m., a female subject at a retirement home in the 300 block of Norumbega called police to report a threatening phone call. A male subject called the home and threatened to kill her. The victim did not recognize the voice and does not know who the caller is. The victim said the home has never received a call like this before, and it is possible it was a wrong number. This investigation is continuing.

Feb. 4

At 8:11 a.m., a resident in the 100 block of West Central walked outside his home and discovered someone had stolen the catalytic converter off his truck sometime during the night. He called police to report the incident. This investigation is continuing.

At 11:20 a.m., while officers were handling a family argument in the 800 block of West Walnut, a parole officer arrived to check on a parolee. She found the parolee to be in violation of parole and a parole hold was issued. Monrovia officers arrested the subject for the violation.

Feb. 5

At 8:31 a.m., a resident in the 1800 block of South Peck called police to report she had just arrived home and heard noises in her backyard. She said it sounded like someone was breaking into her storage shed. Officers arrived and saw the suspect jump the backyard fence and run onto another property. He opened the front door to a neighbor’s house and was confronted by the homeowner inside the house. He ran and was eventually apprehended by police. He was found to be in possession of items stolen from the shed. He had concealed other items near the shed so he could return and collect them later, including a rifle. He was arrested and the stolen property was returned to the owner.

At 2:01 p.m., the owner of a business in the 100 block of East Chestnut called police to report a grand theft. The catalytic converter was stolen off of his company’s truck a week prior. Initially, he did not report it until he discovered the cost. This investigation is continuing.

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