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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Arcadia Weekly 8 Reasons to Plan a Trip to Taiwan

8 Reasons to Plan a Trip to Taiwan

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WhenI first learned that I would visit Taiwan, I didn’t quite know what to expect.Prior to my week-long trip, all I’d seen of the country were photos of Taipei101 lit up for New Year celebrations. By the end of the week, I walked awaythoroughly enamored by all I experienced, saw, ate and learned.

Arrivingat Taiwan Taoyuan International Airport, I was hesitant and a bit confusednavigating the airport and customs but I followed the crowd and eventuallyfigured it out; keep in mind that this comes from someone with almost nointernational travel experience who was unable to sleep on a 14-hour flight somy brain was barely keeping me upright.

However,as soon as I boarded the car that would take me and my companions to our hotelin Taipei, Taiwan’s capital, I found my second wind. Looking out the vehicle’swindows at verdant mountains resembling jungles I’d only ever seen in NaturalGeographic documentaries, shimmering golden temples and rushing rivers, Iquickly understood why 16th century Portuguese sailors dubbed theisland “ilha formosa” (beautiful island).

Lobby of the Okura. – Photo by Fabiola Diaz / Beacon Media News

Thecloser we got to Taipei the more we began to see proof of Taiwan’sstrengthening economy as skyscrapers, luxury shops and car dealerships emergedbefore our eyes. Alongside them, we also began to see 7-Elevens, every fewblocks it seemed. The well-known convenience stores exceed the services offeredby their U.S. counterparts — you can pay your bills and sit down with a bowl ofnoodles at the indoor café after — and are as ubiquitous as Starbucks cafés. Oneof my travel companions let me know that the 7-Eleven across the street fromour hotel carried a decent steamed barbecue pork bun but I unfortunately neverhad the opportunity to eat one.

During our trip we stayed at the Okura Prestige Taipei. Named one of Travelers’ Choice 2019 and awarded a Certificate of Excellence by TripAdvisor, the rooms offer a flat screen TV, a refrigerator, free Wi-Fi, room service, laundry service and many other accommodations. My room included a desk, sitting area with two couches, Nespresso machine, shower, tub with built-in TV, and a separate restroom with bidet. The hotel has a rooftop terrace, pool, gym, an on-site restaurant, and an on-site bakery serving the best pineapple cake I’ve ever had (I’m not being hyperbolic; I still regret not ordering a box to bring home). The hotel’s breakfast buffet goes far beyond your du jour continental breakfast and you can’t go wrong with any choice, whether you opt for waffles or dumplings. The hotel became a home away from home and I still find myself wishing my current lodgings resembled that hotel room. If you’re planning a trip to Taipei I would recommend staying at the Okura.

Asmuch as I enjoyed my stay in Taiwan, I do have one complaint: I didn’t havemore time there! Therefore, the following list of places to see and things todo while in Taiwan is woefully incomplete — a fact I hope to amend one day —and only begins to scratch the surface of all the country has to offer.

1.Sun Moon Lake

Allow this avid lover of nature to begin with her favorite stop: Sun Moon Lake.

Witha surface area of approximately 3.06 square miles, Sun Moon Lake is Taiwan’slargest natural lake. It derives its name from the fact that Lalu Island in themiddle of the lake separates it into a crescent moon-shaped part and anotherpart shaped like a round sun.

Thelake is also home to the Thao and Bunun tribes and visitors have variousopportunities to learn about these rich indigenous cultures.

View of Sun Moon Lake from the cable cars. – Photo by Fabiola Diaz / Beacon Media News

Westopped at the Formosan Aboriginal Culture Village which combines an amusementpark with cultural and educational functions. Aside from enjoying thrillingrides, you can find the music, dances, attire and traditional constructionmethods of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples.

Fromhere we boarded the Sun Moon Lake Cable which carries visitors on a sceniccable-car ride over the village and a lush pine forest to the lakeshore. As thecable car descends the mountain, the clear green-blue lake comes into view andif your lucky enough to go on a sunny day the water glimmers and lends anethereal light to the entire place. I could have sat on that lakeshore insilence for hours just taking it all in but alas there were places to go andtea to make.

We stopped at Hugosum Black Tea Garden where we were treated to class on how to make your own customized tea bags. We learned about the different types of leaves, how they are harvested and then got a crash course on how to mix and flavor a variety of teas. At the end of the workshop we got to take our customized box with us and sample some of the teas they are famous for. Their lavender tea was a favorite among all the journalists on the trip and I could drink it by the gallon — fortunately it can be ordered on Amazon.

Visitors can also take tours of the lake via boat or bicycle. We stayed at Sun Moon Lake Hotel overnight which has an exclusive link to the bike trails. Guests staying at the hotel can rent bicycles from the hotel, free of charge for one hour, to tour around the lake. If book a stay here I must suggest getting a room with a terrace as the views are simply divine!

2.Taipei 101


Standing at 1,666.67 feet, this postmodernist tower was once the tallest building in the world (that honor belongs to Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, for now). Taipei 101 houses a shopping mall on the first seven floors featuring luxury boutiques like Burberry, Dior and Prada. Within the mall you will also find i-Ride Taipei, an immersive virtual flight across the most beautiful vistas in Taiwan. If you’ve ever been on Soarin’ Around the World (formerly Soarin’ Over California) at Disney’s California Adventure then you know what I’m talking about as it’s practically identical except for the images displayed on the screen.

View for the outdoor observation deck. – Photo by Fabiola Diaz / Beacon Media News

However,the real gems of Taipei 101 are the observatory floors. Boarding the high-speedelevator with a rising speed of 1,010 meters per minute, you will ascend fromthe 5th to the 89th floor in only 37 seconds. Theelevator has a device to keep air pressure constant within the elevator cart,like in an airplane cockpit, to alleviate pressure. I still felt my ears poptwice but it is a smooth ride and I experienced no dizzy spells as I normallydo when using elevators.

Onceyou reach the indoor observatory on the 89th floor you can look outat the skyline over Taipei. A special mirroring principle on the floor createsthe illusion of an infinite horizon. Take the stairs to the 91stfloor to visit the outdoor observatory on the top of the skyscraper whichallows visitors to experience panoramic views over the city; be sure you haveyour camera for this because the photo ops are spectacular.

3.High Speed Rail

Stretching approximately 214 miles along Taiwan’s western coast, from Taipei in the north to Kaohsiung in the south, and traveling at a top speed of approximately 186 mph, the Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) makes travel along the western corridor simple and convenient. There are 12 THSR stations: Nangang, Taipei, Banqiao, Taoyuan, Hsinchu, Miaoli, Taichung, Changhua, Yunlin, Chiayi, Tainan and Zhuoying. Passengers can purchase tickets in advance or the day of at the ticket counter, vending machine or online. You can purchase from three different tiers of tickets.

Thetrains themselves are comfortable: providing amble seating and leg room, plentyof overhead space for luggage, clean amenities, and you can purchase lunches aboardthe train as well. To be honest, I didn’t expect much of the lunches servedaboard but they were surprisingly tasty and a good portion size.

Ifyou are staying in Taipei you can easily book a trip on THSR to Taichung whereyou can then board a bus that will take you to Sun Moon Lake. It’s safe, easy,quick and relatively inexpensive.

Now, when will California finally get that often talked about high speed rail?

4.Grand Hotel

Lobby of the Grand Hotel. – Photo by Fabiola Diaz / Beacon Media News

Walking into the Grand Hotel feels like walking into palace. With it’s towering red columns, golden embossed roof and central staircase, it’s no wonder why the likes of Elizabeth Taylor and various U.S. presidents chose it as their temporary residence while visiting Taiwan. Standing 14-stories, the hotel faces Keelung River and sits atop a summit looking down at its surroundings like a tall, proud paragon of Chinese architecture.

I can’t speak for its accommodations as we didn’t stay there but we were generously granted a guided tour and learned of its storied history and the famous guests that have roamed its halls. A highlight of the tour was descending the not-so-secret tunnel once used to evacuate politicians and dignitaries out of the hotel in case of emergencies and assassination attempts.

Iwould recommend making a reservation at the Golden Dragon Restaurant. Therestaurant serves classic Cantonese dishes and Honk Kong-style dim sum.

5.Presidential Office Building

Taiwan’s Presidential Office Building. – Courtesy photo

To know a country, you must know its government and a tour of the Presidential Office Building will give you a crash course of the country’s history and current political structure. During the tour you will see the permanent “Power to the People” exhibit which serves as a testament to the value the Taiwanese people place on their young democracy. The theme that emerges throughout the exhibit is the responsibility that government has to be responsive to the demands of the people it serves. The true spirit of democracy is, after all, that power lies with the people.

6.National Palace Museum

Reserve a day to visit the National Palace Museum. You know you’re in for a treat as soon as you see the magnificent ivory exterior with its jade-colored roof. The museum houses the world’s largest collection of priceless Chinese art treasures, which spans China’s nearly 5,000-year history. Most of the museum’s over 600,000 art objects were part of the Chinese imperial collection.The four levels plus exhibition area house: curios, furniture, tapestries, rare books and documents, sculptures, calligraphy, ceramics, antiquities, bronzes, special exhibits and the uber-popular jade exhibit.

Jadeite Cabbage. – Photo by Fabiola Diaz / Beacon Media News

Themuseum’s most popular attraction — Taiwan’s Mona Lisa, as our tour guide put it— is the Jadeite Cabbage. Carved from a single piece of green-and-white jade,this perfect depiction of a bok choy with locusts was once owned by the consortof a Chinese emperor during the Qing dynasty. The jade piece symbolizes purityand fertility and was once house in Beijing’s Forbidden City. Like the variouscurio boxes and ivory carvings, the Jadeite Cabbage is all the more impressivefor its minuscule size.

The museum’s restaurant, Silks Palace, offers a menu inspired by the exhibits within the museum. It’s really a treat to enjoy dishes that emulate works of art.

7.Night Markets

Shilin Night Market. – Courtesy photo

Thereare various nightmarkets all over Taipei where you can find clothes, shoes, purses andluggage, a plethora of food and drink choices and souvenirs. Before venturingout we were warned to keep an eye on our wallets but that is par for the coursewhenever one ventures out the door. I found the market we visited to be safe,lively and diverting — even in December rain. You might have visited the 626Night Market or the OC Night Market and think you know what to expect but Taipei’snight markets take it to the next level; they more closely resemble shopping districtsin downtown Los Angeles in size.


Din Tai Fung at Taipei 101. – Photo by Fabiola Diaz / Beacon Media News

I know this is vague and a foregone conclusion but the cuisine in Taiwan deserves its own number on any list of reasons to visit the country and this comes from a notoriously picky eater whose friends have a list of foods she doesn’t like. I could go on indefinitely about the various dishes we ate — from dumplings at the original Din Tai Fung to a divine green bean dish at Sun Moon Lake and peking duck at the Grand Hotel — but for now I will just say that Taiwan should be on any foodie’s bucket list. If you can’t make the trip to Taiwan then you are in luck because the San Gabriel Valley is home to some great authentic Chinese restaurants.

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