By Terry Miller
Last week we ran a story on a Monrovia candidate’s husband and his unique way of promoting his wife’s re-election bid.
Since then, scores of people have approached us for what they feel should be “equal time” in print. It should be noted, however, that the page one story last week was a feature on a unique approach to political advertising and not necessarily a political endorsement by this news organization.
For the record, a few weeks ago Monrovia Weekly published campaign statements (at no charge, I might add) of each and every candidate running for Monrovia council or mayor.
Each candidate has, traditionally, kicked off his/her campaign with a party as a way of getting citizens to endorse, take a campaign sign for the yard or simply get to know the candidate’s view on the city’s most pressing issues.
On Monday evening, Gloria Grudgington — who recently battled and beat a rare form of cancer — held her official campaign kick-off at a popular pub on Myrtle Avenue. The affable councilwoman outlined her accomplishments and plans for the future of Monrovia to a standing-room-only crowd of supporters at Basin 141.
Mayor Tom Adams was present as was Councilwoman Becky Shevlin to show their support. Other city and school board notables included Rob Hammond and Terrance Williams as well as City Treasurer Steve Baker, Mayor Pro Tem Larry Spicer and the unofficial mayor of Monrovia, and famous tennis player, Hal Leavens.

Mayor Adams quipped that this particular combination of candidates (Adams, Crudgington and Shevlin) is perhaps the winning “trifecta” for Monrovia.
While many people often equate local and national elections with horse racing, it really is a challenge for any candidate to get their message across to the voter, especially with so much print and social media targeting different demographics.
Beginning in March of 2020, as required by State law, Monrovia municipal elections will coincide with statewide primary election dates. General municipal elections will be held in March of even-numbered years to elect members to serve on the City Council, and as city clerk and city treasurer. There are five members of the Monrovia City Council, including the directly elected mayor who serves a two-year term, and four councilmembers serving a four-year term of office. The city clerk and city treasurer are also elected and serve a four-year term.
The municipal election will be held on March 3, 2020, for the positions of mayor (vote for one) and city councilmembers (vote for two). Dates to keep in mind:
- Feb. 5 – First day to request vote by mail ballot.
- Feb. 18 – Last day to register to vote.
- Feb. 22 – Vote centers open.
Visit for your vote center location.