New Design for Monrovia Utility Bill Arrives in February
BySusan Motander
Now that the City Council has changed its policyto be in accordance with recent state legislation regarding shutting offutilities, a new design has been created for the city bills. It will makeits debut next month. Starting in February, the newly designed bills willbegin appearing. The January bills included a flyer explaining the newformat.
If you did not save that flyer, this is a briefrundown of the bills (you can also go to this week’s City Manager’s Update at and click on the link contained inthat update).
The biggest change is that there will no longerbe delinquent notices sent out. These will be included on the next month’sbill in red so that there can be no missing the notice. Thewords “PAST DUE” will appear at the top left-hand side of the billand below that in the account summary the amount past due will also appearin glaring red. The total amount due will appear under the accountinformation (address, account and customer numbers etc.) at the top right-handside of the bill.
The balance of the statement will include suchexciting information as the exact date the meter was read and a consumptionhistory of the account. The bottom is, of course, the bill stub to beincluded with the payment.
For more information, check the city’s web siteor call City Hall at (626) 932-5550.