3 Pieces of Equipment You Must Have as a Day Trader
Experts in any field often have equipment that they rely on to stay successful. In the motor racing world, you need a car that can accelerate to amazing speeds while offering smooth performance and handling. In the art space, you’ll need paint, chalk, or whatever medium you choose to create with. In the day trading world, you need a selection of important tools, as well as an exceptional amount of patience, focus and skill. While the right attitude and a good knowledge of the stock market will help you out in any fast-paced trading environment, there are some initial investments you’ll need to make before you can get started. Here are the three things you need.
Your Computer
Most of the time, working with stocks doesn’t mean standing in the middle of a trading floor and screaming at the top of your lungs anymore – particularly if you’re day trading. Instead, most of the work actually takes place online, through a digital platform that sends information to and from other investors. Since your money will move through the online world, you’re going to need a computer or laptop.
Ideally, you’ll opt for a desktop computer with a fast processor. Two monitors are often very useful, as it means that you can run multiple programs at once, being able to flip back and forth. Remember, the slower your processor is, the less likely it is that you’ll be able to make buying and selling decisions rapidly.
An Internet Connection
A computer is great, but it’s not going to be much good for online trading on its own. If you want to stay linked up to the exchanges and stock markets when you’re ready to trade, then you need a strong internet connection too. While Wi-Fi is great for most things – it’s not what you should be relying on in this case. Instead, choose something with an ADSL or cable connection type.
Check out the internet service providers in your area to make sure that you’re getting the best upload and download speed for your region according to the amount that you can afford to pay. You should be able to start with a basic mid-range internet package and work your way up from there. Keep in mind that you need your uptime to be consistent – if you lose your connection at any point, then you’re going to end up in trouble.
A Platform
Finally, you’re going to need a trading platform that suits your specific style and market choices. When you’re just getting started, finding the right platform might not be the most exciting goal that you’re addressing at the time. However, it will be important for you to have the right platform later on. Download as many trading platforms as you like and give them all a try before you settle for one. Most companies will offer you a free trial option. Remember, don’t be afraid to ask the broker responsible for the platform any questions that you might have too. They’re there to help.