Verdugo Hills Chorus to Visit the Arcadia Community Coordinating Council
Verdugo Hills Chorus is a membership organization of female singers and an affiliate chapter of Sweet Adelines, which is an international nonprofit organization of approximately 23,000 members in choruses and quartets worldwide. They will visit the Arcadia Community Coordinating Council (ACCC) on Monday, Dec. 2 at Church of the Good Shepherd’s Jordan Meeting Hall (400 W. Duarte Road) from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
They sing four-part harmony, a cappella style—no musical accompaniment.
In addition to sharing their music with others, they have a great passion for learning more about the art of singing a cappella four-part harmony in the barbershop style. Vocal instruction is a regular part of chorus rehearsals and a very important component of the chorus experience.
Members from the Verdugo Hills Chorus compete every year in the Sweet Adeline’s Region 11 Quartet and Chorus Competition in Bakersfield, Calif. and have competed on the international stage.
For reservations contact ACCC President Robin Graney at The fee of $15 includes lunch if you RSVP by Friday, Nov. 29, 2019. You may also pay $20 at the door. The meeting.