By Félix Gutiérrez
Monrovia Latino Heritage(MLHS) 2020 Calendars featuring Monrovia people and places past and present are available for those looking ahead to 2020 and wishing to support college scholarships for Monrovia and Duarte graduates.
Produced by professional graphic designer and newly-elected MLHS President Henry Olivas, the calendar features monthly pictures of Monrovia people or places past or present, scholarship winners, and current MLHS activities.
“Family and friends enjoy the calendars because of their historical significance, their practicality and the fact that they make great keepsakes…almost like historical photo albums,” said Olivas, who has produced the calendars for several years.
Calendars are available at $10 from Rosalind Olivas at (626) 664-1084. All calendar proceeds fund scholarships for Monrovia and Duarte high school graduates. The MLHS has given more than $20,000 helping Monrovia and Duarte graduates go to college since its founding in 2010. MLHS co-founder Olivas has been elected President for 2020. Other 2020 officers are Vice-President Debbie Secrest, Secretary Rosaline Olivas, Treasurer Pat Lowell, Corresponding Secretary Velia Armas, Chaplain Judy Low, Sergeant-At-Arms Ruth “Cuca Mack, Scholarship Chair John Olivas, Parliamentarian Nena Cervantes, and Outreach Committee Chair Jimmy O’Balles.