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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Moms of Greater Pasadena Find Much-Needed Community With FIT4MOM

Moms of Greater Pasadena Find Much-Needed Community With FIT4MOM

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By Emily Glory Peters

Pregnancyand labor are like snowflakes: no two experiences are exactly alike. Still, theprocess opens the door for women to bond, not just over their delivery, but allthings postpartum—but not all women have easy access to that kind of community.

Thatwas the struggle for dancer and fitness instructor, Nila Ghafarshad Bhalla,when she had her daughter Gia back in 2014. She didn’t know a lot of people inthe area and none of her friends had children at the time. When postpartumdepression set in, she knew she needed help, so she turned to what she knew andloved: exercise.

“One of my neighborstold me about FIT4MOM, community workout classes where parents could actuallybring their children around,” Bhalla says. “I fell in love—so when the priorowners said they were selling, I decided to purchase it. We now hold outdoorclasses at alternating locations in Pasadena, San Marino, and even at the SantaAnita Mall in Arcadia on rainy days.”

Taught by a first-classsuite of fellow dancers/certified fitness trainers, the pre- and postnatalclasses are what Bhalla describes as the right blend of flexibility and grind.Posts are set up with different workout drills, with moms moving from stationto station while the kids hang out nearby in their strollers (kid-friendlyentertainment is regularly included during and after classes). The workouts arenot easy, she says, but easily modified so no one feels excluded.

“There’s this misconceptionafter delivery that you’re not fit enough, but it isn’t true. What the femalebody can do is incredible. You just need the right motivation and support,” shesays, explaining how she and her instructors alter drills so moms can adjust totheir level. “I did my first workout at 14 months postpartum, and even with mybackground as a dancer, I was still so tuckered out. So the first thing I tellthe moms after workout is to congratulate yourself, because you’re showing upfor yourself and your child.”

While the surface goal forFIT4MOM classes is to help moms drop a few pounds and tone up, Bhallaemphasizes a deeper purpose for her business.

Moms Night Out event for FIT4MOM members in Pasadena
An essential component to the FIT4MOM community is moral support, whether that be in modified exercise moves to regular “moms’ night out” events around town. – Photo courtesy of Nila Ghafarshad Bhalla

“FIT4MOM uplifts otherswhen they most need it. Some moms came in with no friends, some came fromout-of-state, and now they have this sisterhood,” she says, gushing over thegroup of moms that has, as she describes, “saved her life.” It’s not just formoms that have given birth, either, she says, recognizing that motherhood comesto women in all kinds of ways. Even a few dads have been known to show up for aworkout.

“This is about moralsupport; to encourage you to be the best parent you can be. And to have ourkids there is so special—because when you feel like quitting, you look who’swatching. Our children get to see us making them the priority as well asourselves,” Bhalla says.

Part of making themselves apriority also means knowing when to swap reps for a night out. Monthly mommeetups are also part of the FIT4MOM agenda, generally at a restaurant, buthosted a few times a year in Bhalla’s backyard. “We’ve got a full bartender,music and an amazing group of moms. Not everyone sees each other in each class,so this gives them a chance to meet each other outside of yoga pants andcovered in sweat,” she laughs.

As FIT4MOM grows, Bhallaacknowledges that there’s still a way to go. Getting the word out has beenslow, and she’s eager to find better avenues to connect moms to the kind ofcommunity that she herself found so critical to her mental and physical health.So even with other projects on her plate—and a five-year-old and husband tocare for—FIT4MOM Greater Pasadena will always have her heart.

“This is my village,” shesays. “It’s a family”

The first FIT4MOM class isfree, with additional plans or passes available to suit your schedule. To learnmore about their upcoming class schedule and fitness instructors, visit www.greaterpasadena.fit4mom.com and be sure to follow along on Instagram @fit4mom_greaterpasadena.

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