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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Mental Health Advice With Stan: 7 Tips on How to Manage the Anxieties of Being in a Relationship

Mental Health Advice With Stan: 7 Tips on How to Manage the Anxieties of Being in a Relationship

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By Stan Popovich

Some people get anxious orstressed out being in a relationship. This can cause a lot of problems and canprevent you from having a happy and satisfying relationship.

Here are some suggestions on what to do when your relationships cause you a lot of stress and anxiety.

Make the Best of Your Situation

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Regardless of your situation, thekey is to be happy whether you are alone or you are in a relationship. Focus onhow you can improve your current situation instead of worrying about what youdo not have.

There Are All Kinds of Relationships

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Being in a relationship withsomeone doesn’t mean that you have to marry the person. There are all kinds ofrelationships such as friendships, dating relationships, and marriages.Determine the type of relationships that make you feel comfortable and thenfind someone that has the same interests as you do.

Develop Friendships

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It is important to spend timewith your friends when you are in a relationship. Spending all of your freetime with one person could cause problems in your relationship. Do notoverwhelm your partner by spending all of your time with them.

Do Not Assume Anything

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Some people will tend to getupset and make assumptions regarding their relationship when things go wrong.It is important to always talk to your partner if you have any concerns andworries. Communication is very important in being in a successful relationship.

Learn from Your Mistakes from Your Past Relationships

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It takes practice and a lot ofeffort to maintain a successful relationship. Try to learn from your previousrelationships and don’t make the same mistakes in your current one. Making aneffort on improving your relationship skills will benefit you in the long run.

Be a Team Player

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It is important to learn to workwith your partner. Being in a relationship is like being part of a team. Eachperson must do his or her own part. One person can’t do everything. Gettinginto the habit of helping each other will help improve your relationship.

Talk to a Counselor

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If you still have trouble dealingwith the stress and fears of a relationship, then talk to a counselor. Acounselor can provide helpful advice on how to handle your fears and anxietiesof being in a relationship.

Stan Popovich is a Penn State graduate and thenationally known anxiety  author of “A Layman’s Guide to Managing Fear”—an easy-to-read  overcoming anxiety book that’s helped thousands of peopleto confidently  manage their persistent fears and anxieties. Stan has over20 years of personal experience in dealing with fear and anxiety. For more freemental health advice visit Stan’s website at managingfear.com andread Stan’s articles and his blog. The above is not intended to be a substitutefor professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Mr. Popovich is not amedical professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or otherqualified health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medicalcondition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking itbecause of something you have read here.

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