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Home / Neighborhood / San Gabriel Valley / Arcadia Weekly / Mental Health Advice With Stan: How to Manage the Stress of Making Choices in Life

Mental Health Advice With Stan: How to Manage the Stress of Making Choices in Life

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By Stan Popovich

It can bestressful when you have to make important decisions regarding your career andpersonal life. We all want to make the right choices and this can create a lotof anxiety and fear.

As a result,here are some suggestions on how to manage the stresses of making the rightchoices in your life.

Get all of the facts

Gather all ofthe facts and necessary information to make the right decision. Find out thefacts of your situation and study all relevant information. This is importantbecause you do not want to miss critical information that could make adifference in your decision.

Focus on the results 

Think aboutwhat you want and consider the possible outcomes of your decision. Eachdecision will lead to new opportunities. Consider the possible opportunitiesand go from there.

Ask around

It isimportant to consider other viewpoints other than your own. Ask your friendsand relatives what they think you should do. Your friends know who you are andthey can give you additional insights that you may be overlooking.

Learn to relax

– Courtesy photo

Take a deepbreath to relax when making your decisions regarding your career and personallife. If you still feel stressed, then get some fresh air or do something funto help you relax. You will feel better and gain a fresh perspective on yourcurrent situation. This will make it easier to make the right decisions.

Be flexible

– Courtesy photo

Remember thatyou make decisions all the time. It would not be the end of the world if youmade the wrong decision. You can always re-evaluate your situation and dosomething different. Do not put a lot of pressure on just one decision. Youwill have other opportunities to correct the situation when it comes to makingthe right choices in your life.

Learn from your mistakes

If you make amistake then the next step is to learn from your mistakes and go from there. Donot dwell on the fact that you made a wrong decision. The key is to learn fromyour experiences and continue to move forward.

Stan Popovich is a Penn Stategraduate and the nationally known anxiety  author of “A Layman’s Guide toManaging Fear”— an easy-to-read  overcoming anxiety book that’s helpedthousands of people to confidently  manage their persistent fears andanxieties. Stan has over 20 years of personal experience in dealing with fearand anxiety. For more free mental health advice visit Stan’s website at managingfear.com and read Stan’s articles and his blog. The above is not intendedto be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.Mr. Popovich is not a medical professional. Always seek the advice of yourphysician or other qualified health providers with any questions you may haveregarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice ordelay in seeking it because of something you have read here.

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