In June the Traffic Safety Committee approved the Residential On-Street Accessible Parking Policy and application, which is now available.
Parking spaces that result from an approved application are intended to provide close parking for disabled residents in high parking demand areas, and not to be confused for a private parking space to replace the applicant’s driveway, garage, or other required on-site parking spaces. The approved space will not be exclusive to the applicant and any other persons or vehicles with a valid Disabled Person Parking Placard or Disabled Person License Plate may park in this designated space. The accessible parking space will still be subject to existing parking and regulatory restrictions, such as street sweeping.
The Traffic Safety application and policy are now available on the city’s website on the Public Works Application & Permits page. The completed application should be mailed or submitted to the Public Works Department Traffic Safety Committee. Please contact Public Works at (626) 932-5575 or pwcomments@ci.monrovia.ca.us with any questions or concerns.