Monrovia Has Dedicated Community Gardeners
By Susan Motander
Last Saturday, the city held the formal dedication of Monrovia’s first community garden around the church at the corner of Magnolia and Colorado. The dedicated gardeners who manage their own private spaces in the garden have been at work for several weeks establishing their gardens.
Mountainside Communion Church is playing host to the garden spaces which include not only the individual spaces, but also a community space in front of the church in the unfenced area where classes on gardening will be held on a regular basis.
Dr. Kristen Ritzau, the coordinator for the garden, said the first of these classes, Veggie Gardening 101, will be held this Saturday starting at 9 a.m. in the garden at 303 W. Colorado Blvd. This free class is open to all and will cover such topics as planning, thinning, watering, companion plating and basic pest control.