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Home Neighborhood San Gabriel Valley Monrovia Weekly Monrovia Area Partnership Welcomes the Summer With Two Events

Monrovia Area Partnership Welcomes the Summer With Two Events

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Uyeda Produce Stand circa 1930s. – Courtesy photo / City of Monrovia

The Monrovia Area Partnership (MAP) will present two events in June. MAP is a community program that hosts events and meetings to train and connect community members dedicated to improving Monrovia. Stay connected by liking MAP on Facebook.com/MonroviaAreaPartnership.

Neighborhood Treasure Reveal

On June 8, MAP celebrates its fourth Neighborhood Treasure: Japanese Americans in Monrovia. The event will take place at 11 a.m. at 300 W. Cypress Ave.

Monrovia families like the Uyedas, Tsuneishi, Asanos, Kurimiyas and others came to Monrovia to build strawberry farms, grocery stores, fruit stands and much more. After Pearl Harbor, many Japanese Monrovians were sent to internment camps, but after their release, many returned to Monrovia. The families graduated their children from Monrovia schools, resumed their businesses and continued to contribute to the growth of the community. As true pioneers, Monrovia’s Japanese Americans’ contributions made significant advancements for local agriculture and business interests.

The entire community is invited to enjoy the unveiling of the fourth Neighborhood Treasure new public art piece, along with family friendly games and free food. This event is completely free and open to the public.

Monrovia Area Partnership 13th Anniversary Block Party

Monrovia Area Partnership will celebrate its 13th anniversary with a block party on June 22, at 11 a.m., at Julian Fisher Park.

Since 2006, MAP has brought the community great block parties as a way to get people out of their homes and into a common area to enjoy each other’s company. Join MAP as they keep the party going with family friendly games, free food and ice cream!

This event is completely free and is open to the public. To RSVP for the MAP Block Party, sign up on Eventbrite, call MAP Staff at (626) 932-5563 or emailmap@ci.monrovia.ca.us.

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