In celebration of Water Awareness Month, the City of Pasadena invites adults and children to participate in the second annual Rethink Your Drink Day on May 8 at La Pintoresca Library and Park (45 E. Washington Blvd.)._
Rethink Your Drink Day is a statewide day of action hosted by the Public Health and Water and Power Departments. The goal is to educate the community about the benefits of drinking great tasting local tap water instead of sugary drinks. (A 20-ounce bottle could have up to 18 teaspoons of sugar).
Attendees will be able to decorate their bottles at the craft area, listen to music, play games and children will be read “Potter the Otter.” There will also be a ribbon cutting on a new hydration station which will be available 24/7 for public use.
For more information, visit PWPweb.com/RethinkYourDrink.