
Monrovia Shorts

Last year’s festivities. - File photo by Terry Miller / Beacon Media News
The rails were put in place to prevent damage from potential mudslides. – File photo by Terry Miller / Beacon Media News

Monrovia Sewers Being Cleaned

A private contractor has begun the annual cleaning of the sewer lines in Monrovia. According to City Manager Oliver Chi’s weekly update, there are more than 250,000 linear feet of sewer lines in the city (close to 47 miles). The work will include “hydro-jetting” the lines to clear them of possible blockages. The lines will also be inspected by closed circuit video and will be cleared of roots. The work should be completed by July.

Last of the K-Rails from the Madison Fire Will Soon Be Gone

After the Madison fire in 2013, K-rails were installed along portions of Avocado, Crescent, Heather Heights, Lotone, Highland Place, Mauna Loa and Hillcrest. All but the K-rails along the lower portion of Highland Place, upper Mauna Loa Drive and Hillcrest were removed in October 2018. Starting May 28, these final rails will be removed over the following three days. Repairs to the street and concrete will also take place once the rails are removed. If you live in the area and have questions, contact the city at (626) 932-5575 or at monroviarenewal@ci.monrovia.ca.us.

City Council to Study City Sales Tax Measure Next Tuesday

Before their next City Council meeting, there will be a study session on the issue of a potential ballot measure to raise the local tax rate. Among the issues to be addressed will be the potential of putting the issue on the ballot as soon as November 2019 and a potential spending plan if the tax is approved by local citizens.

Save the Date for the Next Neighborhood Treasure: Japanese Monrovians

The Monrovia Area Partnership (MAP) will install its next Neighborhood Treasure on June 8 at 11 a.m. This time, rather than an individual, a group is being honored: Japanese Monrovians. Many Japanese families came to Monrovia is the early part of the last century. Families such as the Uyedes, Tsuneishis, Asanos, and Kuromiyas came to the city and established local strawberry farms, grocery stores and fruit stands. In the aftermath of Pearl Harbor, these families were sent to internment camps, and after their release many returned home to Monrovia to try to pick up their lives. The Treasure in their honor will be placed at 300 W. Cypress.

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