On Saturday, May 11 letter carriers across the country will join thousands of volunteers to help millions of struggling families throughout the country through the annual Letter Carriers’ Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive. This event is the nation’s largest, single-day food drive to help keep food pantries stocked during the summer months when the kids are home all day from school.
Last year, over 300 volunteers assisted letter carriers by unloading, sorting and packing food at participating local post offices. Foothill Unity Center, Inc. received over 200,000 pounds of food from this event. Foothill Unity Center needs volunteers to unload mail trucks full of donated food from the Altadena, Pasadena, Monrovia, San Marino, Arcadia and Sierra Madre neighborhoods. The food will be quickly sorted and loaded onto Foothill Unity Center trucks where the food will finally be unloaded at their Monrovia warehouse.
To volunteer, click here.