Connecting job seekers with purpose and a paycheck on March 22
The Pasadena Chamber of Commerce is partnering with Pacific Oaks College to present Mission Match: A Non-Profit Job Fair at Pacific Oaks College on March 22 from 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. There is no charge for exhibitors or job seekers. There will be no commission-only or multi-level marketing companies at the job fair. Pacific Oaks College is at 55 W. Eureka St. in Pasadena. There is free parking in the college lots and on the street.
Statistics from a recent Gallup poll suggest that roughly 70 percent of American workers aren’t fully engaged at their place of employment. More and more people are seeking meaningful work. Mission Match: A Non-Profit Job Fair connects job seekers with organizations that can help them pursue their passion in our local communities while making a living with a local non-profit organization.
If you are a non-profit organization that would like to host a table please reach out to Amy Foell, workforce development director of the Pasadena Chamber of Commerce at amy@pasadena-chamber.org.
If you are a job seeker please RSVP here.