Rockler Woodworking and Hardware in Pasadena will be holding its annual, one-day woodworking show, “Make It in March,” on Saturday, March 2, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The show will feature woodworking and skill-building demonstrations, hands-on learning activities, exposure to local woodworking-related interest groups, and more. It is an all-day event and includes free refreshments and activities for the whole family. There is no cost to attend and all are welcome.
“It all started five years ago, when the woodworking shows abandoned their annual visits to the Los Angeles market,” says Rockler store manager David Tilson. “Local woodworkers and DIYers were left without an event where they could get together, see the latest woodworking tools and techniques, and have their questions answered by experts from the major tool brands. I just had to do something about that, and the ‘Make It in March!’ show is the result.”
Product demonstrations and woodworking seminars are scheduled throughout the day of the show, and attendees can enjoy making their own wood crafts at the project booth. Experts will be on hand from SawStop, Jet Tools, and Powermatic to answer questions and find solutions to even the knottiest problems in woodwork.
Rockler Woodworking and Hardware is located at 83 S. Rosemead Blvd. in Pasadena. To learn more about Rockler, please visit rockler.com or call 1 (877) ROCKLER.