Sully-Miller Contracting Company, Monrovia’s contractor, last week began mobilizing, performing inspection work for sewer repairs, and preliminary cleaning for sewer pipe improvements throughout various locations in the North Section of the city.
The North Section includes all areas located north of and including Hillcrest Boulevard, Grand and Greystone avenues. The overall North Section improvements of Monrovia Renewal are significant, and include the following scope of work:
– Roadway improvements to over 2,300,000 square-feet of roadway.
– Concrete replacement for 9,000 square-feet of sidewalk and 27,000 linear feet of curb and gutter replacement.
– Sewer improvements and repairs.
– Replacing more than 5,250 linear feet of water pipeline.
– Replacing approximately 175 water service lines.
– Repairs and enhancements to the Oakglade Reservoir, including sealing the tank to protect against potential leaks, and updating the tank’s pipelines, valves, roof, and overall site condition.
Prior to roadwork, all necessary water, sewer, and concrete work – curb, gutters, and driveway approaches – will be completed.