By Alex Cordero
The Rotary Club of Pasadena has joined forces with the Rotary Club of Madras South in India to form a fundraising event called ‘Caring Little Hearts’ and raise money to be able to provide surgeries for children in India with congenital heart disease. This Valentine’s Day you have to opportunity to save a life of a child by donating a total of $88 to provide the heart surgery she or he needs to survive. This year why not donate the money you would spend on overpriced Valentine’s Day cards, flowers and chocolates and help save actual little human being hearts.
Congenital heart disease may involve several problems with the structure of the heart. From defective vessels, leaky valves and sometimes even a hole in the heart, without the necessary treatment in which most cases require surgery a young child may not have long to live. According to demographic and health Surveys data from 2016, about 12, 000 children diagnosed with heart defects are waiting for surgery in Tamil Nadu, India. The challenge is most of the parents of these children cannot afford to pay for the heart surgery required to help the hearts of their children survive. The only thing these children and their parents need is financial support. This is where the Rotary Club of Pasadena along with Rotary Club of Madras South and other organizations step in to raise funds to help these young children in need of heart surgery. But this is also when the Rotary Club of Pasadena needs the Pasadena community to come together and save lives across the world.
But how is it possible for the Rotary organizations to offer heart surgery at such a low cost? Well, with the help of several other organizations coming together and their generous grants it becomes possible. Organizations like Rotary International, the multiple sponsorship of the Rotary Club of Pasadena, Rotary Club of Madras South their Districts and funding from the state of Tamil Nadu, India.
Their goal is to raise $23,500 to help fund 200 or more surgeries. They have already raised over $10,000. These are some of the comments posted on the ‘Caring Little Hearts’ GoFundMe account by people who have already donated from our community:
“$88 is a small amount of money compared to the incredible positive change this will have in someone’s life,” said Leah Snell.
A post by Robert Earnest read, “Wow! Save a life for $88! This may very well be the most impactful $88 I’ve ever spent.”
“These surgeries change young lives and pay dividends throughout their much longer lifetime,” read a post from Garrett Bell
And Pamela who also posted a comment along with her donation, “I’m a transplant patient and I know how absolutely important life-saving surgery is. Congratulations to Pasadena Rotary for such a wonderful project to make a difference in children’s lives.”
When you visit the ‘Caring Little Hearts’ GoFundMe account page you will find a short video about the families whom hearts have been saved thanks to this incredible cause to save lives. The response from the Pasadena community towards the effort to raise money for this cause has been heartfelt. This may very well be another generous and loving notion added to the long list of amazing things the community of Pasadena accomplishes together. And thanks to all the new technology, donating has now become extremely convenient. This Valentine’s Day avoid waiting in line to pay for heart shaped balloons and dedicate a donation to save hundreds of beating little hearts, instead by simply tapping on the following link to directly take you to the ‘Caring Little Hearts’ GoFundMe account and donate $88 to gofundme.com/caring-little-hearts.