Pasadena City Councilman, Tyron Hampton and new President of the Los Angeles Sparks, Danita Johnson, will be honored for empowering youth at the Little Sunshine Inaugural Banquet Saturday, Feb. 9, 2019 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m at Arroyo Pacific Academy.
The Little Sunshine Foundation is a non-profit California corporation founded by a 14-year-old high school sophomore from Glendora High school. The organization’s mission is to provide underprivileged youth in Los Angeles County with the necessary resources to improve their quality of life through literacy and sports programs while also providing an avenue to train young adults on how to give back to their community. “Because I believe every child deserves a little sunshine.” said Monique Vobecky, youth organizer of Little Sunshine Foundation Inaugural Banquet.
The address is 325 North Santa Anita Ave. For more information visit littlesunshine.org.