In November 2018, the City entered into a partnership agreement with Mountainside Communion to establish a new Community Garden initiative in Monrovia. Since approval of the agreement, The Monrovia Community Garden Project has made progress towards establishing their very first community garden, which is set to be located at 303 W. Colorado Boulevard in Monrovia. Based on their progress to date, they anticipate that applicants for participating in the community garden will be available by March 1, and they anticipate that the garden facility will be ready for use in May or June of this year.
In between now and then, the city and their partners at Mountainside Communion have made quite a bit of progress, including:
- Development of a draft community garden operating guidelines. The full document should be ready for review in late February.
- Establishing the infrastructure for an overall information and marketing campaign for the community garden, including the development of a website (www.monroviacommunitygarden.com) and a new Instagram and Facebook page. They plan to go live with these accounts in March.
- A Community Garden informational outreach campaign, which will kick off in March.
By March, the Monrovia Community Garden Project plans to start meeting with and providing information to various Monrovia-centric entities, including the Coordinating Council, the Garden Club, the Community Services Commission, and the MAP program. In addition, they plan on hosting a general community information meeting in April (which is tentatively scheduled to take place on April 13).
There’s still quite a bit of work to do before the launch of their first formal community gardening program, and they will be sure to keep everyone informed of their progress during the next few months.