The Rose Leaf Ragtime Club will once again meet to delight audiences with their dance across the ivory keys at The Myrtle Tree Cafe, 405 S. Myrtle Ave., on Jan. 27. The December meeting featured great performances by Vincent Johnson, Andrew Barrett, John Reed-Torres and Eric Marchese. Barrett delighted those in attendance by playing Rose Leaf’s own Fred Hoeptner’s marvelous Portrait in Rag No. 2.
You can listen to these talented musicians from 1-4:30 p.m. on the last Sunday of every month. Piano (or other instrument) players and listeners are welcome. Parking is on-street, but most parking places are unlimited and free on Sundays. It’s a busy part of Old Town Monrovia, so allow a few extra minutes to find a parking place. Suggested donations for non-performers are $5 for adults and $2 for children.
For further information, call Ron Ross at (818) 439-9048 or Hal Leavens at (626) 359-8648. For further information on Myrtle Tree Café, call (626) 388-5024 or visit their website at myrtletreecafe.com. The Rose Leaf Ragtime Club is on the web at roseleafclub.com.