By Susan Motander
When the City of Monrovia started its partnership with Lyft, it was anticipated that the old Dial-A-Ride program would be used only by those with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Acts) residents. However, the city has determined that some non-ADA riders are still using the Dial-A-Ride service rather than Lyft. In response to this, the city is, in the words of City Manager Oliver Chi, “retooling to better serve passengers with ADA needs.”
Starting Feb. 1, Monrovia Transit (the current Dial-A-Ride program) will serve ADA passengers only. To make this system work, these passengers will need to register for the program in advance. The city will hold a community meeting starting at 5 p.m. on Jan. 22. The meeting should last approximately 90 minutes.
To register, one needs to fill out a short, one-time form and sign the waiver. These applications need to be submitted to the Monrovia Community Center at 119 W. Palm, Ave. About five and seven days will be needed to process the form. Anyone with questions regarding this issue may call the city at (626) 256-8234. The form is available on the city website at: cityofmonrovia.org/home/showdocument?id=19609