
City of Arcadia Accepting Bids for Huntington Drive Traffic Signal Improvements Project

The Project includes two new traffic signals for pedestrian crossing. – Courtesy photo / Downtowngal (CC BY-SA 3.0)
The Project includes two new traffic signals for pedestrian crossing. – Courtesy photo / Downtowngal (CC BY-SA 3.0)

The City of Arcadia will receive sealed bids for the Huntington Drive Traffic Signal Improvements Project (Project). The Project, which involves the installation of two new traffic signals for pedestrian mid-block crosswalks, additional traffic signal modifications, and installation of conduit, must be completed within 60 calendar days, beginning 10 calendar days after the date on which the Notice to Proceed is sent by the city to the contractor.

Bids must be submitted to the city on the contract bid forms which are a part of the bid package for the Project. Bid documents may be obtained free of charge on the City of Arcadia’s website or purchased directly from the city.

All prospective bidders that obtain the bid documents, either electronically or in paper copy format, should contact the Development Services Department/Engineering Division in order to be placed on the Plan Holders List and receive any addendum(s). Contact information should be sent in an email to DSD@arcadiaca.gov with the bidder’s information.

Upon the payment of a non-refundable fee of $35, prospective bidders may obtain one complete set of bid documents. Bid documents may be obtained between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, and on alternate Fridays, excepting holidays, from the Development Service Department, Engineering Division at:

Development Services Department/Engineering Division                                                                                                                                      240 W. Huntington Drive
Arcadia, CA 91007                                                                                                                                                                                                      ATTN:  Kevin Merrill, Principal Civil Engineer

An original of the bid, using contract bid forms with all blanks fully completed in ink and including all information required by the bid documents, must be addressed and delivered on time to the city’s offices at:

City of Arcadia
City Clerk’s Office
240 W. Huntington Drive
Arcadia, CA 91007
ATTN: Lisa Mussenden, Chief Deputy City Clerk

All Bids must be in writing, sealed in an envelope and received by the office of the City Clerk no later than Jan. 22, 2019 at 11 a.m.

The Project specs and plans can be viewed on the city’s website.

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