
Pasadena Junior Chamber Makes Christmas Wishes Come True

Every year the Jaycees send out roughly 60 Santa teams to deliver toys on Christmas Eve. - Courtesy photo / Jaycees
Every year the Jaycees send out roughly 60 Santa teams to deliver toys on Christmas Eve. – Courtesy photo / Jaycees

As we approach the holiday season, the Pasadena Junior Chamber of Commerce (nicknamed the Jaycees) is preparing for their oldest charitable project, Operation Santa. Every year since 1934, the Jaycees have brightened the lives of children in the community through this event. Children write letters to Santa, the Jaycees collect toys and other items the children have requested, and on Dec. 24 teams of volunteers dress up as Santa, Mrs. Claus, and elves to go into the neighborhoods of Pasadena and surrounding communities to distribute toys, cheer, and hope to thousands of children throughout the community.

Priority is given to children in areas of the greatest need, and this year, the Jaycees will be doing extensive outreach to foster youth, low-and moderate-income households and homeless families.

In order to reach the most children in the community, the Jaycees ask that children who write these letters to Santa be in Pasadena schools and/or in community based organization(s) between the ages of 0 and 12-years-old.

Letters to Santa must be legibly written by the child in his or her own words. The letter must include the child’s name, age, Christmas wish and address. Santa teams will deliver the gift to the child on Christmas Eve between 6 and 9 p.m. Jaycees ask that a parent or guardian, along with the child be present, at the address listed on letter.

Letters should be sent to 474 W. Walnut Ave., Pasadena, CA 91103 by Dec. 21.

There are also volunteer opportunities for Dec. 23, 24 and 26. For more information on how you can help of the event itself, visit pasadenajaycees.org.

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